✧ eighteen | stubborn

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dahyun was about to give you a tight hug when he shook his head. "don't do that, dahyun. don't let him see that she's hurt. let him see that she's totally fine." changbin stopped her before she could comfort her. "let's get her out of here."

with that, changbin lended his hand to you. you hesitantly reached for it and helped yourself to get out of the pool. when he pulled you closer to his side, you got startled. he looked down on your face and squeezes your hand tighter. "calm down. we got this."

you let him drag you into the cottage, wherein your other batch mates are at. you looked down to your feet to avoid chan's gaze just in case he would look at you.

once you stepped on the cottage, you didn't know why everyone seems so quiet. you lifted your gaze to your front, only to see chan and his friends sitting on the seats in front of you. they stopped talking to check who just came and to see you with changbin while holding each other's hands caught their attention. chan lowered down his gaze to your clasped hands. immediately, you tried to removed yours from changbin's but then instead of letting you go, he held it tighter.

you gulped.

"wow! y/n and changbin?" jungkook cooed from the other tables. jaehyun hit him, making him frown. "what?"

you turned your gaze back to chan but sadly, he is no longer looking at you.

he started to talk with his friends again as if nothing happened. as if you weren't there. as if you didn't know each other. you felt changbin pulled you to the other table, wherein eunwa is sitting.

"don't look back..." you heard changbin whispered. he looked at you as he pulled a chair for you. "don't look back at him. just don't."

dahyun gave you a glass and was about to pour the alcohol on it when changbin stopped her. he pushed the glass away from you, making you and dahyun frown. "she isn't drinking..."

"wah! why is it again, changbin?"

"because she won't... right, y/n?" he lifted a brow at you.

"can i take a sip?"

he sighed.


eunwa gave you your glass but changbin pushed it away from you. you glared at him. "hey, i said i will just take a sip!"

few of your batch mates started to look at your table, including chan and his friends. he is watching you carefully as changbin tries to stop you.

"you've been saying that for like two hours!"

"i-i did?"


you chuckled. "let's make it three hours, then." you are about to drink what's on your glass when changbin stole it from you and drink it instead.

"hey!" you hit his arm.

"you're trying to catch everyone's attention. stop it, y/n." he whispered near your ear. instead of following him, you did the opposite of what he likes you to do. before you could do anything else, changbin lifted you up from your seat and carried you like a newly wed couple. you were squealing on top of your lungs as moves you away from the cottage. you could hear dahyun and eunwa laughing from behind while the others are cooing around.

changbin slowly went down on the stairs of the pool, still holding you in his arms. you were now laughing so hard the moment your skin touches the cold water.

his lips curved upward at the sight of your bright smile. even you're back is now soaked with water, he is still not letting you go.

"hey, binnie! don't you ever let me go to this seven-feet-pool because i can't-"

you didn't continue what you are about to say because you were too startled when a loud splash of water was heard. even the bits of it were sprinkled on your face. you looked up to see changbin's face but he is no longer looking at you. he is now glaring at someone you couldn't even see since he started to hold you tightly in his arms. you attempted to follow his gaze but he stopped you.

"y/n, i love you." changbin looked at you straightly.

you gulped. "w-what?" still chuckling a bit. that was so random.

"of course, we love each other, binnie! dahyun, eunwa, you and i, remember? we are best friends-"

"no, i love you for real. not as a friend. not as childish things as you think but as an admirer."

if you only knew that chan is there...

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