✧ eight | eternal

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you leaned your head to his chest as you watch the sun goes down. this date may be the simplest among your dates with him but still the most romantic one. just talking with him is the lightest feeling. you love the way he makes you smile. at this moment, you realized that he really loves you so much. the way he looks at you, you could see how happy he is to be with you. however, you don't notice how his eyes gleams whenever you are in his arms.

"this is our last year, chan. last year of endurance. just hold on tight."

he rested his chin on top of your head, you closed your eyes at that and feel this sincere moment of your life. "i will never let go..." he almost whispered. using your left hand, you wrapped your arm on his body and slowly tightens the hug.

he is just so addicting.

"i love you, y/n..." you opened your eyes and happily faced him. chan is looking at the sun when you looked at him. he turned his gaze to you and slightly smiled.

"what did you say?" you asked once more.

"i love you eternally."

you heard your heartbeat echoed in your ears. the loud beat of the drum vibrates in your chest. this... this kind of feeling only exists when you are with him. this is the feeling that you wanted. you're in love with him. so damn much.

"i love you too, chan..." you beamed. "so... so... much."

he chuckled but then later on, he stopped until it created a long silence. however, his eyes are still not leaving yours, so do you. you froze to your seat as you noticed chan slowly leaning towards you. you felt your lips dry but your cheeks burning as he is getting close...

and closer...

and closest... until you could now feel his soft lips touching yours. your rapid heartbeat turned wild even more. you closed your eyes as your lips locked and moved in sync passionately.

you could clearly feel them— those butterflies on your stomach that were just sleeping lately.

as both of you slowly pulled way, a smile formed on your lips, same with chan. your eyes wouldn't want to see anyone except him. you couldn't imagine yourself with anyone else but chan.

he gently hold your hand and lifted it in the air as he brought it into his lips. his warm and soft lips just landed on the back of your palm. again, you smiled.

"let's marry each other someday, y/n. i want you to bring my last name with you. it is my dream to call you mrs. bang by everybody."

please don't make a promise if you'll not justify it. you just gave me false hope.

Promise | Bang Chan ✓Where stories live. Discover now