✧ twenty seven | cigarrete

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you were at the shop, looking for gifts to give for your father.

tomorrow is his birthday and you are so excited to spend your money for him. you thought of buying him a pile of shirts since you're assuming that he'll absolutely like it.

as you pay for its cost, you saw a familiar man walking with a girl, clinging on his arm.

without thinking twice, you left the shop with your gift kept on your bag.

you went to a vacant space, not far from the place you came from.

you picked up the only pack of cigarettes inside it, also getting the lighter with them. you took a single stick and about to lit up the end when someone stole it from you.

"since when did you ever learn to use that thing?" chan threw it on the trash bin, completely keeping it away.

"what the! why did you do-" you hissed. "since when did you start to care, huh? and what the heck are you doing here?"

"give my lighter back." instead of obeying you, he hid it on the pocket behind his pants.

your mouth agape in astonishment

he raised a brow. "what? get it if you want. i will not stop you."


"why does your mind thinks like that? did you learn all of these from changbin?"

you scoffed. "stop dragging changbin and no, he didn't. it was all my choice. now, can you leave me?"

his gaze didn't leave you, slowly destroying the fake bravery you're showing towards him.

"what are you staring at? leave!"

he bit his lip, still not doing anything.

"chan!" someone called behind him. both of you turned to look at one direction and the girl he was with lately smiled as she runs towards your place. you took that chance to leave them behind but chan pulled your wrist, not letting you go.

the moment she saw you, her smile faded and her expression changed into a surprise one.

at that time, you just wanted to cry and beg at chan to let you go.

this sight will just hurt me.

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