✧ twenty four | sent home

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unexpectedly, your eyes met chan's gaze then it switched to changbin whose sitting closely to you. he looked away before minho asked for a permission to come in.

changbin stood up and helped them. meanwhile, you are just left dumbfounded for a moment while staring at him.

chan caught you staring at him. due to panic, you averted your gaze back to the television and pretended like nothing happened.

you might be focusing on the movie being played, but your ears are alert enough to hear them having light conversations.

"thanks for sending my friends home," you heard changbin said.

"no problem. it is my party so it is my task to make sure that they went home safe."

"have a nice sleep over! good night changbin! good night y/n!" you looked back to greet minho back.

"good night minho... have a safe drive..."

minho chuckled. "oh, chan is the one whose driving so he's the one you should remind."

you didn't notice that quick nudge that chan did to minho.

"a-ahh... o-okay..."

"won't you say anything to my friend?" minho pouted. changbin seems to feel the you're starting to be more uncomfortable.

"it's getting late. your guests might be looking for you by now." changbin told chan.

"yeah... right."

before they could leave the door step, you dropped the words that you regretted right after.

"be careful on the road, chan..." you coughed. "and minho..."

all of them got different expressions.

changbin who got a surprise face,

minho who got mischievous smile on his lips

and chan, whose eyes shouting for longing of your sweetness.

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