✧ twenty eight | exchange

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"y/n?" the girl called you.

you faced her with a smile plastered on your lips. "yes?"

her eyes lit up and jump in excitement. "oh my gosh, so it's her!" she hit chan's arm multiple times.

on the other hand, you are clueless about her identity. you got a lot of questions on your mind like, how did she know me? who is she? have we met before? and many more.

"chan talks about y-" you saw your wrist fell from his grip to cover the girl's mouth. you forced to smile even more.

all you can hear is a muffle sound coming from the girl's lips. she hit his hands on her lips and ended up hitting her lips when chan removed it.

"you'll be dead!" she threatened him.

meanwhile, you are just awkwardly watching them having fun in front of you. how enjoying!

"by the way, i'm seungwan!"

"she's my aunt," chan said even you're not asking anything. it seems like he guarantees you an assurance but you are just thinking things far from that.

"oh..." somehow you are relieved. "i'm y/n..."

"i know."

suddenly, an awkward silence engulfed the three of you, making seungwan chuckle. "haha oh no... let's continue this talk on a restaurant.
my treat!"

"i'm... i'm in a rush right now so... i-i can't..."

"aw, okay. maybe next time, then?"

you nodded.

"may i get your number? so i could make sure that you will not run away." she wiggled her eyebrows.

chan simply nudges her.

"aw, chan! stop nudging me. by the way, are you free tomorrow, y/n?"

"uh no... it is my father's-"

"it is her father's birthday so she can't." he looked away when your eyes darted to him with surprise.

you gulped. he remembers?

"h-here's your phone, i already saved my number in your phone book.." seungwan happily took it and smiled.

"thank you! chan, why don't you help her find a taxicab first? i'll be returning to that shop since i left my items unpaid on the counter."

"no no it's okay! i can handle myself-"

"okay." he agreed, not demanding over the fact that he have to stay with you for minutes.

you shook your head as he turned his gaze to your way. "i'm fine. it is not that hard to do that."

"i insist," he said.

seungwan shrugged, grinning like she is so close to tear her cheeks.

and there you are,

silent and was left with no choice.

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