✧ seventeen | tears

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your smile faded at the moment you saw him. seeing him smiling as if he's really happy and confident with his life hurts you so much. he didn't need me, after all.

you heard dahyun gasped behind you and soon feeling her hands grasping on yours. you gulped.

"y/n..." she mumbled.

you turned your back from his direction and looked away from dahyun. "i'm okay," you said. "i'm okay... don't mind me."

"y/n, i know you're not."

how did he get himself in here? he didn't even graduate with us. he isn't supposed to be in this reunion. if i only knew that this will happen, i shouldn't have come.

"c-changbin is coming near us..." she said. you roamed your eyes everywhere. a tear finally fell from your watery eyes as soon as you saw changbin approaching you. his steps are getting faster and faster the moment he saw your overflowing tears. you dived on the water to remove them, making your entire clothes and hair be soaked.

you felt a hand held your waist, lifting you above the water and there, changbin's eyes met yours. his serious face sent shivers down your spine. but then in a span of seconds, it softens after seeing your puffy eyes and nose.

he placed his hands on both sides of your cheeks, slowly lifting your chin up so he could see you clearly. "i'm here..." he whispered.


"don't you ever cry for him again!" he gulped. "he is not worth of your tears."

you slowly nodded, agreeing to him. "y-you're here for me... again." you sobbed.

he wiped your tears using his thumb and never spoke again but deep inside of him, he whispers his answer that he cannot ever tell you,

'it's because i love you.'

on the other hand, chan is watching you from a far.

but the question is,

is he even hurt?

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