✧ twenty nine | unease

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you remained walking behind him, just copying his footsteps to entertain yourself.

chan stopped walking to turned his head to look at you, only to see you gazing on the ground.

he flicked his fingers in front of you, catching your attention.

your eyes widened. "what?"

"can you not walk behind me?"


"because i cannot see you carefully."

you gulped. "w-why would you- i mean so what if you couldn't? i am no longer a child who is still needed to be watched."

"but it leaves me unease not to see you around."

but it leaves me unease not to see you around

but it leaves me unease not to see you around

but it leaves me unease not to see you around

but it leaves me unease not to see you around

but it leaves me unease not to see you around

and at that moment,

she felt
her heartbeat

o u t  o f  c o n t r o l.

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