✧ five | jealous

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you started to gain your friends' trust again. every lunch time, you wouldn't be eating alone anymore since you would now sit with them in one table. since you and chan started dating, you had forgot to bond with your friends and it has been always chan, whose beside you. it all started from a small fight until your friendship tear into pieces. but now, they willingly accepted you again.

from a far, you could see chan staring at you in the other table. once your eyes met, his lips automatically curved into a sweet smile. he must be happy to see you with them, again. after all, this break up has an advantage.

he lifted his hand in the air and gave you at thumbs up. you chuckled, making your friends look at you weirdly. they followed your gaze and one of them started to hiss. "tsk... tsk... i thought you and chan broke up?" eunwa asked, still glancing to their table.


"what's with the thumbs up and exchange of smiles, then?" the other one narrowed her eyes, looking at you suspiciously.

"we're still f-friends..."

"friends my ass!" changbin rolled his eyes. in your group of friends, there are three girls, including you and one boy, which is changbin. your group started to form when you were in highschool. you cannot believe that you managed to forget them during your the days with chan.

"why so bitter, changbin?" you hit his arm.

"aw! bet your each hand weighs about 10 kilograms- " once again, he earned a hit from you. dahyun nudges your arm, making you look at her. "what?"

she simply pointed something with her lips, as you follow the location which she teaches. changbin is still hissing in pain, when he looks at the same directed where you are looking at. a serious chan surprised you. he was leaning back on his chair while his arms are folded together. you gulped.

"you're dead." dahyun whispered at you.

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