✧ six | patience

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"chan! wait!" you ran as you tried to follow him from behind. his steps are getting bigger and bigger which makes the distance between the both of you widens. he didn't even bother to look back at you.

"chan, please stop! let's talk first, can we?" you successfully reached for his hand and managed to walk the same pace with him. you're walking in a quiet hallway, which makes you think that it is just the two of you who is in there. since as of now, it is break time. almost of the students are in the ground to play or to eat.

lately, chan just suddenly stood up from his seat and walked out of the canteen. his friends are obviously shocked about his sudden disappearance. you told your friends that you'll follow him and gladly, they did understand you.

"a-are you mad?" you softly asked, not wanting to let out the beast inside him. his eyes remained straight looking on his way, completely ignoring your question. you pouted. "what's happening? please tell me."

your grip on his hand became tighter. "hey... chan... please..."

he let out a sigh and stopped from walking. he turned to look at you with boldness sculpted in his eyes. for the second time, you gulped.

"a-are you okay?"

"i'm jealous."



you were taken a back by the sudden raise of his voice. chan looked away.

"jealous? with whom? with my friends?"

he shook his head. "eunwa and dahyun are okay but changbin? damn! i wish i was him..." he removed my hand from his, you could almost cry from that, only if he didn't fix it and change it with his hands. now, he's the one whose holding yours. "changbin is too lucky to be with you at lunch. he's so lucky to have a chance to sit, eat, and laugh with you at lunch. while me? i was just there, staring from a far, wishing that i could hold your hand like this..." he squeezed you hands but not roughly, just enough to make you feel how much he misses you. "and talk to you all day. damn, i miss that!"

you felt your heart flutters right at this moment. you sighed. "just a little patience, chan." you looked up on him. "and please, don't be jealous to anyone else. we made a promise, remember? two more years, chan... two more years... then, we'll be happy..."

it's been two years, where is your promise that you will be patient? where are you, chan?

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