✧ thirty | the truth untold

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Hi, this is Seungwan! Don't
forget our plan for today.

Hello, Seungwan. Yes. I am
on my way to that café.

Great! See you soon hihi


you grabbed your bag behind your door and bid goodbye to your parents. they didn't ask where you are going since they're assuming that you're going to have some fun with your friends.

as soon as you enter the meeting place, the first thing you did is to find seungwan and there she is, waving her hand multiple times. "over here!" she mouthed.

wendy was smiling until you took a seat in front of her. she stared at you for a moment, which made you a bit uncomfortable.

"you're so beautiful..." she titled her head and rested her chin on her palm. "chan really has a good taste."

you switched your gaze down, avoiding having an eye contact with her.

"you know, he loves you so much..." she paused for a little, pondering her words.

"maybe that was before..." you shyly told her.

"i don't think so... i can see him looking at your pictures on his phone daily."

you looked at her unconvinced but she nodded multiple times, eager to show you that she's telling the truth. "yup."

you and seungwan ordered something first before proceeding back to you conversation while waiting.

"lung cancer," she trailed off, hesitating whether she'll continue it or not but it is now or never. "we found out that he had a liquid on his lungs on his last year in college..."

you couldn't speak,

not because you don't have words to say

but because you're too weak to utter something.

right at this moment, you had a quick flashback to the days where he stopped playing soccer, to the days when he could easily be tired, and to the days where he showed you his sweetest smile and that was the day before his departure on the next sunrise. you didn't think that there is something wrong. you didn't doubt about many times he told you that he loves you so much because you thought that he was just being naturally sweet as always.

"his family moved to australia to continue his treatment in there and that was his family doctor's suggestion."

"i... i didn't know that-" your voice cracked, completely letting yourself broke down in tears. your palm quickly hid your eyes, rejecting them to fall, if that's how tears work but they don't.

"everyone doesn't know. he doesn't want anyone to know especially you, only his family and few of his friends."

minho and woojin.

"h-how is he now?"

"everything went fine. after his surgery, he spent his another year there to finish his study since he had to stop for a year for his treatment and recovery."

you bit your lip, slowly processing everything. how could you be so dumb y/n?

"i'm telling this because i can't stand seeing him just looking you from a far. he thinks that he'll never get you back anymore since he's thinking that you're already happy with this boy... i don't remember his name." she held both of my hands. "i want to know you all of these because i don't think chan would have a confidence to do so. i hope he's still not late to win you back."


"chan even wrote a letter for you before his surgery... wait i think... i think it is still here," she picked up her bag beside her and took an envelope inside it. she reached it to you desperately.

"he wrote it for you just in case the surgery gets unsuccessful."

your hands were shaking as you willingly took it from her hands. you read it in front of her, tears gushing on your cheeks.

"he always talks about you to everybody. to his family... to me... to the nurses and even so doctors," she sighed. "chan loves you much."

your lips quivering as you utter your words. "i-i love him too... until now."

seungwan smiled first before switching her gaze behind me, glancing at me with wide eyes. "he's here!" she exclaimed.

your eyes started to blur once again as soon as you see chan coming closer towards you. he's smiling while holding a bouquet of flowers, excited and at the same time nervous to give it to you. he thought that this may be the right time to make a move and take everything slow, not planning to tell you about what happened back then in australia. he hopes that you will accept him wholeheartedly.

without thinking twice, you stood up from your seat and run towards him. with all the strength and warmth you have, you hugged him tightly.

chan almost dropped the flowers due to surprise but soon recovered and hugged you back. his lips curved upward despite of his watery eyes.

"w-what is this?" he couldn't keep his big smile. he's happy, knowing that he finally hugged you. every time he would see you, he cannot help but to think to trap you in his arms. however, your anger towards him stops him to do it.

"i love you!" you shouted, not minding the customers around the both of you. you started to sob between his tight hug. "and i missed you... s-so much!"

"baby..." he whispered to your ears. "god knows how much i do, as well. there's no second that i didn't. i love and i missed you so fucking much, y/n."

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