✧ twelve | confess

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you cannot remember how many times you did fill up your glass but you know that it is above ten. your visions starts to spin and blur. but the sound is still so clear to be heard. most of the time, eunwa will tell a story and you all will just laugh even there is no reason to be happy.

dahyun sighed. "i didn't know that i can still feel the tiredness even though we are just sitting in here."

"i just wanna sleep!" eunwa mumbled and leaned on dahyun's shoulder.

"oh my gosh, girls. don't sleep in her if you don't want someone to take advantage of you." you warned them but eunwa just shook her head.

"changbin will be there to watch us."

"he needs to have some fun too!" you told them. you glanced at changbin who is just staring you since lately. he looked away and took another sip on his drink. "i'm having fun in here." he muttered.


"i said i'll watch the three of you."

"can we just go home? please?" dahyun said between her nap. you pulled her head towards your shoulder and make her lean in there. you took of changbin's jacket from you and put it instead to dahyun and eunwa.

changbin saw that and he cannot avoid himself but to smile. 'she's sweet as ever.'

when you turned to look at him again, he gulped. "a-are you sleepy, y/n?" changbin asked. you nodded. "yeah."

"let's get out of here, then."

both of you were supporting your friends to walk until you finally reach the parking lot. you made dahyun and eunwa enter the backseats so they would be more comfortable. you decided to just enter in the passenger seat since the place behind would be too spacious, especially because they are almost consuming the whole space of the seat.

changbin and you exchanged some light conversations, enough to let him awake during the travel to your first stop, which is dahyun's house.

when changbin sent her inside her home, he told you to take a nap and will just wake you up once you are already in front of your house but you refused.

"no, i can handle this." you told him.

"come on, i know you're tired too. we still got to send eunwa home before we could reach your house. this day is a hella tiring day for all of us. now, sleep."

"but i'm okay changbin. just let me entertain you before you could fall asleep in there." you joked, making him chuckle.

"what can i do? i almost forgot that you are my stubborn friend."

you looked for the last time at eunwa's house before turning back your gaze to the front. you leaned your head to the window and partly closed your eyes.

changbin was about to tell a story to you but then he found out that you are already sleeping beside him. he smiled sadly at his view. he never thought that he would experience this night. to have you beside him is a big thing for him.

he stopped the car on the side and fixed your head and let it rest to the back of the chair, then he pulled the adjuster to slid down the chair so you could feel more comfortable.

the whole time of your travel on the way to your house, changbin cannot stop himself to glanced at you from time to time. somehow, he's scared to see you just disappear. he's scared that this might be just a dream.

but fortunately, it's not. this is the reality.

"y/n..." you flinched when you felt someone gently tapping your shoulders. as you open your eyes, changbin welcomed you. "can you stand?" he asked but you are too sleepy to answer so you just did close your eyes again.

changbin sighed and went out of his car. he opened the door in the passenger seat, wherein you are currently sitting. he removed your seatbelt and slowly lifted you up from the seat.

he can't even breathe normally. the fact that you are leaning your head on his chest makes him unsteady. what if she hears my heartbeat?

"changbin... thank you..." you mumbled, still eyes are closed.

"f-for what?"

"for always being by my side. by our side. you're the best boy friend ever!"

his gaze softens to your sleeping figure. "y-y/n, i like you..."

you are aware. you are conscious. everything what you had heard was clear but you did asked him again to repeat it and he did.

"i said i like you- no, i love you."

you opened your eyes, meeting his sincere eyes that are looking down at you. you gulped.

"c-changbin, you're just drunk... so am i." then you pretended to laugh like nothing happened.

at that night, changbin was aware that everything will change after that.

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