✧ fourteen | thank you

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sup? surprise!

it's your motherfucking ex



you could almost crush your phone because of your tight grip on it. you badly want to say more, but the fact that he is just seeing your message without saying anything makes you wanna kill people. how could he?

tears rolled down your cheeks as you stare down on your conversation. it's been a year and a half since your last talk. you got a lot of questions in your mind right now but you chose to be silent, afraid that you will get the answer that you don't wanna hear.

you felt your body froze when a warm hand slipped on yours. as you turn your head to your side, you saw changbin with his pleading eyes. slowly, he removed the phone from your hands and set it aside. you glanced at your phone on the table but the moment he squeezed your hand, you gaze shifted to changbin.

"stop," he licked his lips. "stop messaging him. ignore him. he left you. he destroyed you, y/n. i don't wanna see you hurt and bruised again."

"i-i just wanna let everything out..." you sobbed. he gently pulled your head to his side, making you lean on his shoulder. because of that, you felt the urge to cry more.

changbin shut his eyes closed as he lean his head on the backrest. "i'm hurting on the inside... and it's because you're hurt..."

he smiled sadly. "we went here to our usual place to have fun, not to cry over the past." he patted your head. as you hiccup, you slowly realize things. why am i not still giving up on him? it's been almost two years. if he still loves me, then why didn't he contact me even for once?

"thank you changbin..." you lifted your chin to see him. you felt his thumb wiped your tears on the side of your eyes. he smiled. "thank you for what?"

"thank you for always being there..."

"of course... anything for you, y/n."

"you're the best friend ever..."

once again, those sadness behind his smiles, he tried to keep it wisely. he chuckled even though he's feeling dead inside. "best friend? dahyun and eunwa would be jealous if they found out." he joked, making you smile somehow.

why can't it be just changbin? he's always there for me...

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