✧ sixteen | the reunion

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"your clothes are fine! minho said in the gc that your attire doesn't have to be formal since we're going on a resort." eunwa glanced at your clothes.

"okay. we're ready to go, then?" you looked at them one by one and stopped your gaze to an unsatisfied changbin. his lips are contorted as he stares at your clothes. "i-isn't that too short?" he asked, referring to your denim shorts.

"oh gosh, for pete's sake, changbin! for the second time, we're going to a resort. what do you want us to wear? a pants? a leggings?" eunwa hissed, making him bit his lip in realization. "this boy." she muttered.

"are you guys done?" you asked.

"my feet are itching to swim, come on!" dahyun pulled your hand towards the door. you let her drag you out of your house while the rest follow you from behind. "my throat is thirsty for alcohols, can you drive at a full speed, binnie?"

changbin just rolled his eyes and entered the car. since they graduated from college, it is the girls' hobby to party and drink, which worries him because he got to take care three stubborn girls at a time.

"y/n." he called before you could enter the backseat. he patted the front-seat, motioning you to sit on there.

dahyun pouted. "no!" she dramatically screamed as if you wouldn't see each other anymore.


"this is the place, right?" eunwa mumbled behind changbin.

"eunwa, stop pulling my seat! it's shaking." he warned her as he parks the car under the shade of the tree.

"sorry! i'm just excited." she giggled.

dahyun awed at the sight of the fountain on the pool. she badly wants to jump out of the car now and dive on the water.

"your parking is fine, binnie. let's go. let's go." eunwa tap his shoulders.

you left your bags on changbin's car and followed them from behind. changbin is just walking at the same pace as you. after paying for the entrance fee, you looked for the cottage where your old classmates are and you saw woojin waving his hands as he shouts, "here!"

dahyun tangled her arms with eunwa's and happily ran towards the cottage. "hello except for you and you." they pointed woojin and minho. the two boys just looked at each other and shrugged.

"hey..." woojin trailed off as he watch you and changbin coming towards him. "how's life doing?"

you shrugged. "fine?"

he nodded slowly and diverted his gaze to changbin. "sup, bro? long time no see!"

after you ate your food, dahyun invited you to change your clothes into swimwear inside the ladies' room. eunwa and changbin remained on the cottage since eunwa is still taking some shots and changbin is having a conversation with his other friends.

"what?! so you mean you're just going to wear a jersey shorts and nylon shirt while swimming?"

you nodded. "why?"

"oh my, are you going to play basketball? soccer or what?"

"it doesn't always have to be revealing just to say that your attire suits it." you twisted the door knob of the ladies' room. "let's go?"

you chose to take a dip on the five-feet-pool since that's the only thing that your toes can reach except for the kiddies'. dahyun frowned as she looks at the seven-feet-pool, wherein she wants to dive.

"come in, you can leave me here." you told her. she shook her head. "i don't wanna be alone and i don't want you to be alone too. so let's just stay together in one place.

you laughed.

at the middle of your smile...

you saw a very familiar man walking towards the cottage...

he changed.

many things about his appearance changed.

chan changed.

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