Mitch the Detective

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Kirstie's POV

"What do you mean you don't know?" Mitch asked.

"Exactly that. I don't know." I said.

"Well how can you not know?" Mitch asked.

"Because I don't remember sleeping with anyone over the last couple of months." I snapped.

"We're going to have to back track and find out." Kevin said.

"I'm not sure if I want to." I said.

"Of course you do. What if it's someone that you'd be okay with having around?" Matt asked.

"I'll think about it." I wanted to avoid this conversation for now.

The band ended up at my house again, after we'd finished recording for the day. Kevin had convinced me to take another pregnancy test. It was one of those fancy ones that told me exactly how many weeks into the pregnancy I was.

"It'll tell me in about 5 minutes." I said, walking into the living room holding the test.

"What is this going to prove anyway?" Matt asked.

"It'll tell me how far along I am. Might be able to narrow down when it happened." I said.

"So you do want to find out who it was?" Mitch asked.

"I'm not sure Mitch. I at least want to know when it happened."

"Why wouldn't you want to know who it was?" Mitch pushed.

"Because what if I was raped!" I half-screamed at him.

The band fell silent. I guess they hadn't thought of that. I paused for a second and then tears came rushing out of my eyes.

"Oh." Scott said, completely dumbfounded. Kevin got up and cuddled me close to him, the way only a big brother could. I cried into him for a few minutes but was pulled out of my grief by the buzzing of my phone. The timer was up. The results on the pregnancy test were showing.

"Right, calm down and breathe." Kevin said, holding my chin up to look at him. "Here's what we're going to do: Check how far along you are and then we'll go back to the earliest date and chronologically go through each day to find out where you were."

"Okay." I spluttered out. "I don't know if I can look."

"Want me to do it?" Matt asked. I just sniffled and nodded. Matt picked up the test and looked at the little screen. "It says 6-7 weeks pregnant." He said.

"6-7 weeks?!" Scott said. "How long have you known and kept this from us?"

"I found out a month ago." I said quietly.

"A month! How could you wait a month to tell us!" Mitch said.

"Scott, Mitch, chill. She probably had to wrap her own head around it first. And the baby isn't fully safe until after the twelfth week anyway. Am I right?" he asked me.

"Spot on."

"Right, before we go any further, I need to ask you a really important question. I will support you no matter the answer." Now I was worried. "Do you want to keep the baby?" Kevin asked.

"Uhm, I think so. I don't think I could live with myself without giving him or her a chance." I said.

"Alright then. Then we shall continue." Kevin said.

All of us pulled out our phones, and I grabbed my diary as well, and we went back 8 weeks to be safe. Mitch guided us through each day and questioned everything. The first night out we went on in the time period was 7 weeks and 2 days ago.

"Okay, we went to that new bar and we got a bit tipsy there. I think I was flirting with the bartender at some point." Mitch said.

"Yes you did. I remember everything from that night. I didn't drink too much, and I remember taking an uber home with you and Scott. Both of you slept over at mine, but no one else came with us."

"Okay, not that one then." Scott said.

We pinpointed two more nights out that we had in the timeframe. One was 6 weeks and 1 day ago and I hadn't drunk anything then because I felt ill and didn't want to make things worse. I ended up going home early and falling asleep curled up in my bed. The other night out was 6 weeks and 6 days ago.

"Wasn't that the one where we met up with Avi?" Matt asked.

"Yes it was. We met him at the bar down the road." Scott said.

"Avi was there?" I asked.

"Do you not remember?" Kevin asked.

"No. I remember Mitch and Scott picking me up to leave, but everything after that is fuzzy. I'm sure I had something to drink at the bar down the road, but I don't remember Avi being there." I said.

Kevin's face darkened at my words.

"It must've been that night then. I swear, if Avi took advantage of you, I'll kill him." Kevin said seriously.

"It's Avi, he wouldn't do something like that." I said.

"That's true. Back up though. Let's start at the beginning of the night. You remember us picking you up and then we spent some time at the new bar across town." Mitch said.

"Oh yeah, the place with the really cool dancefloor." I said.

"That's the one. From there we went to the bar down the road and met up with Kevin, Matt and Avi."

"That, I do not remember at all." I said.

"Wait, Kirstie?" Kevin halted the conversation. "Hadn't you just finished a small course of antibiotics the day before?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"And you take the pill?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, so?"

"You do know that taking antibiotics whilst being on the pill can affect the pill working right?"

"Yes I know. I didn't think it would be an issue. I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, and I wasn't planning on sleeping with anyone."

"I didn't know that." Matt said.

"Most guys usually don't." I said, disgruntled at his ignorance.

"Okay, back to that night." Mitch said. "You had quite a few drinks and must've gone to the toilet at some point."

"Yes she did. I took her there and waited outside the door for her." Scott said.

"Okay, so nothing will have happened then. I don't think there was anything else unusual about that night." Mitch said. I was losing hope in this. Maybe it would be better I didn't know who the father was.

"Wait, wasn't some guy aggressively flirting with her about an hour before we left?" Kevin asked.

"Yes. Some guy that wouldn't leave her alone. I didn't see him leave with you though, but I don't remember seeing you leave." Scott said, looking upset with himself.

"No, I don't remember seeing you leave. Did either of you two see who took her home?" Mitch asked Kevin and Matt. 

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