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Kirstie's POV

I was lying in my bed completely exhausted, but 100% happy. Mum had left the room to go and change her clothes and grab some food for all of us. Mitch was currently holding my little angel and gently cooing over her.

"She's so beautiful Kirst." He said, looking at me with a smile on his face.

"How could she not be? Considering who her mother is?" Kevin said.

After each of the boys had given her a cuddle, she started to get a little fussy and was squirming in Matt's arms. Matt was very quick, but careful, to hand her back to me. She settled down the second she was with me. I planted a soft kiss on her head and just looked at her.

"I must say Kirst, this is the happiest I ever seen you." Kevin said. I looked up at him and smiled, with tears forming in my eyes.

"She was worth it. She's perfect." I said. Just then, she got fussy again and started crying. A nurse came in, obviously having heard her cry.

"Looks like she's hungry." The nurse said. I swallowed and nodded and then looked at the guys.

"I'm happy for you guys to stay in here if you don't mind being here." I said.

"We'll just sit down so we won't see anything." Matt said. All of the boys moved to the sofas either side of the room where they wouldn't be able to see. I handed my baby to the nurse whilst I resituated myself and got ready to try breastfeeding her.

"Now don't panic if she doesn't get it the first time. Some babies take a bit longer than others to latch on." The nurse warned as she handed her back to me.

"Okay." I had no idea how to do this, so I just made my best guess. It seemed to work and she was breastfeeding as soon as she could reach.

"I'll come and check on you later." The nursesaid before leaving and shutting the door gently.

"Wow this feels weird." I said.

"Good weird?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah. Definitely good weird." I leant back in the bed and just let her eat for as long as she wanted. As we sat there in the comfortable silence I thought about what to name her.

"Kirstie, is it okay with you if I come over?" Matt asked.

"Sure." I replied.

Matt came and stood by my side and just looked at my angel lovingly.

"I still can't believe you created her." He said.

"I had some help in that department though." I said.

"True." Matt paused and took a breath. "Kirstie, I know you can raise her on your own. Your own mother is proof of that. But over the last few months I realised that I love you and I love her. Will you be my girlfriend and let me help you raise her?"

I was the one taking a breath now. It was a very serious question. Matt had been such a big help the entire time I was pregnant, and though it scared me to admit it, I loved him to.

"Yes." I said, looking at him with a smile on my face. He leant down to me and kissed me. The rest of the band started cheering, quietly of course, and cheering for us. We pulled away and looked at the band with smiles on our faces and tears in our eyes.

"I think I know what to name her." I said.

"Oh yeah?" Matt said.

"Hope Rae."

"That's perfect for her Kirst." Scott said.

"Our little ray of hope in the darkness." Matt said and then kissed me again. Oh yeah, she was definitely worth it. 

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