Rock Bottom

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Matt's POV

It had been three days since Kirstie lost the boy. All of us were so shocked an upset about it. Kirstie was obviously the most affected. We had managed to go back to rehearsal the next day, although it was very strange to do so, we had a tour to prepare for so there wasn't time to take days off. Kirstie just hadn't shown up. She wasn't answering her phone, she wasn't answering her door and her door was locked so none of us had seen her.

We went over to her house after the third consecutive day she hadn't shown up. Strangely the door was unlocked.

"Hello? Kirstie?" I called into the house.

"Who's that?" I heard a voice call back. It definitely wasn't Kirstie. A guy came round the corner from the kitchen and I immediately recognised him as Will. Kirstie's best friends from childhood. "Oh hey guys. I'm so glad you're here. What's wrong with Kirstie?" he asked.

"You don't know?" Scott asked.

"No. I came by this morning and found her curled up on her bed. She hasn't said a word and hasn't accepted any food. What's happened?"

"You know she's pregnant right?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah. What about it?" Will replied.

"Well, it was twins. She lost the boy a few days ago." I answered. Will gasped and his hand shot up to his mouth.

"What?!" he whispered out.

"Yeah. We haven't seen her since it happened. Is she in her room?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, but she hasn't said anything." Will said.

"That's not a major concern right now. She's still pregnant, so she needs to eat." Kevin said.

"We'll sort something out. Scottie, let's go and get all of her favourites." Mitch said. "You three try and get her up."

Will, Kevin and I went up to her room and I was shocked at how bad she was. As Will had said, she was curled up on the bed, on her side. She didn't even acknowledge us as we went in. She had her back to the door, but we weren't exactly quiet, so I had expected her to at least turn her head in our direction. I went round to the other side and climbed onto the bed so I could see her eyes. They were glazed over as if she was staring at nothing. Kevin and Will sat behind her, but she still didn't move.

"Kirstie?" I asked gently. No response. "Hey, it's just us." Nothing.

"Kirstie?" Kevin said, putting his hand on her head. I looked up from her as Will mouthed 'what do we do?'. I took Kirstie's hand and gently ran my thumb over it, keeping myself calm as much tying to rouse Kirstie. With no real thought of what I was doing, I planted a kiss on her head and then lay down next to her, wrapping her in a hug. Kevin followed suit and cuddled her from behind. We were tying to wrap her in love, hoping it would get her doing anything.

No one moved for at least 10 minutes. In the silence, I heard a little sniffle from next to me. I looked down and saw tears falling from Kirstie's eyes. I just held her tighter as she quietly cried. We let her get her tears out for a while, but now we had to get her to eat. Depending on how long she'd been like this, she might need the toilet as well. I relayed my thoughts to Will and Kevin, and the three of us made a plan.

All of us got off the bed, so I could pick her up, and I carried her into the bathroom. Kevin stayed on her other side and Will was in front of her. As we sat her down on the toilet, Will pulled her leggings and underwear down, without actually looking down of course. Kevin and I kept our eyes on her face, even though I'd technically seen her before. Even though she was barely there, her body must've realised where she was and let go of whatever she had. Will cleaned her up afterwards, as Kevin kind of washed her hands.

"Hmm.." Will said.

"What?" I asked. Kirstie was still sitting on the toilet, but Will had pulled her leggings back up so she wouldn't be self-conscious. Not that she was really here to be self-conscious about anything.

"Kirstie, you smell. You need a shower." Will said, being very blunt. Kirstie's eyes flickered towards him and I saw her head jerk a little as well. "I'm sorry Kirstie, but you do. Let's get you in the shower. Do you want help?" Kirstie kept her eyes on Will and gave him a slight nod. "You two, out of here. Can you change her bed and maybe put a load of washing on? She'll need some clean clothes too."

"On it." I said. I pushed Kevin out of the room andwe got going on our assigned tasks. We cleaned up for her and checked on the dogs.Things were going to be okay. It was going to take a little while beforeKirstie was herself again. 

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