Second Scan

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A/N: And thus drama begins ... 

Kirstie's POV

I'm now about 12 and half weeks pregnant. The baby had made it past the first trimester, so my stress level about losing him or her went down so much. My sickness still hasn't gone away, if anything it's gotten worse. I have a small baby bump and its weird how firm it feels. Matt had been round every day for the past week to cook for me. I just didn't have much energy to do anything.

Matt was taking the dogs out for a walk, letting me lay on the sofa and feel pathetic. I had scheduled another ultrasound for the afternoon, so I was hoping the doctor could shed some light on why I still being so sick all the time. Matt brought back some fruity pancakes for me and some bacon ones for him. Just the smell of the bacon sent me running to the toilet. Why won't this end?! I'm so tired and I hate feeling sick all the time.

On the way to the appointment that afternoon, my stomach flipped again, but I willed myself to not throw up all over Matt's car. I was holing onto my stomach the rest of the way there, trying to not gag. Fate was on our side again, and no one was in the waiting area when we arrived. Just as the doctor arrived, I gagged into my hand and ran to the bathroom. Tears forced their way out of my eyes as my system emptied itself again. Surely this isn't good for the baby or for me. Neither of us would be getting the nutrients we needed.

The doctor had come with me, so we went straight into the ultrasound once I was done.

"Right, we can just do a normal ultrasound this time. The picture should be much better than last time." I pulled my shirt up and got comfortable. Hopefully the baby will still be okay; especially after making me so sick all the time. The doctor put the gel and wand on me, making an image appear on the screen. The room was quiet, as we waited for the doctor to tell us something.

"Okay, everything looks good. The baby looks healthy and ... oh." She interrupted herself and focused on the screen.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, panicked that something was seriously wrong.

"Hmm.." She was really focused on the screen.

"Is something wrong?" Matt asked.

"Oh hello there. You were hiding." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"There's another baby."

"Excuse me?" Matt said.

"You're having twins."

"But, you said there was only one." I said.

"Yes I did. It seems baby number 2 was hiding behind baby number 1, so I couldn't see them."

"Both look very healthy. It does also explain why you've been sicker than expected. Keep up with the prenatal vitamins, and if the sickness doesn't start to slow down in the next few weeks, give me a call."

We left the doctors office in shock. I had her card with her number, so I could call her if I had any concerns. No wonder I was starting to show already. I'm really going to have to tell the fans soon. With twins it's going to be harder to hide the bump for longer. I'd also have to tell the rest of the crew. Our tour starts in just over a month, and there's no way I can do the normal choreography this time. Matt planted a kiss on my cheek when he dropped me home, he was still completely on board to help me raise the babies. I wonder what they are? 

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