First Rehearsal

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Matt's POV

A week after finding out about the twins, we had the first rehearsal for the upcoming tour. Kirstie's sickness had calmed down a bit, but she was still throwing up a lot in the day. We hadn't told the crew about the babies yet, so this would be the day they found out. I was obsessed with Kirstie's baby bump; it was starting to show and it was so cute.

As per normal for the moment, I was picking Kirstie up and driving us to rehearsal. She was a bit nervous for the crew to find out, but she was the calmest I'd seen her since she first told us about the pregnancy. She was starting to get a slight pregnancy glow about her, and I was falling a bit in love.

By the number of cars parked at the studio when we arrived, we were the last ones to arrive. Kirstie slightly his herself behind me as we walked into the studio, and I could hear her trying to keep herself calm.

"You okay today Kirst?" Scott asked, as we entered the room.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied. Scott clearly wanted to ask her more about her sickness and the baby, but he restrained himself, knowing the crew was unaware at the moment.

"Everything going well?" Mitch asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, everything is fine." Kirstie replied.

That particular conversation stopped after that. We had to work, and we had to focus. We had mostly planned the US leg of this tour and we had wanted to make it into a world tour. With the babies existing, that was not going to be happening anytime soon. Kirstie managed to get through the first hour, but eventually she had to run to the toilet. Kevin followed her and everyone in the room sat awkwardly as we waited for them to come back.

The crew was fidgety when they came back in, and I could see all of them had questions.

"Are you okay Kirstie?" Dre, our new tour manager, asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied.

"You've been sick for a while." Craig, the choreographer, said.

"It's okay. It should get better." Kirstie said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Dre asked.

Our other choreographer, Lindsay, was silent but looking directly at Kirstie's t-shirt. Or more to the point, her stomach.

"Lindsay? What is it?" Scott asked. Kirstie looked down to where Lindsay was looking and realised that her small bump was visible. Kirstie pulled her top down a bit, in a vain attempt to hide it. Lindsay figured out what was going on and came out with the question I knew Kirstie was scared of.

"Kirstie, is that a baby bump?" she asked cautiously. It wasn't really a question you should ask anyone, but all the signs were there. Kirstie didn't look at anyone, she just nodded.

"You're pregnant?" Dre asked, completely shocked.

"Yes, she is. And she's keeping it." Scott said, getting protective.

"Congratulations!" Craig said.

"And not 'it' Scott. He or she." Kirstie said.

"How far along are you?" Dre asked.

"Thirteen weeks."

"Right, so US tour and then break for you to have the baby." Lindsay said. Kirstie looked to me and smiled.

"You mean babies." Kirstie said.

"Excuse me?!" Mitch yelled. "TWINS!"

"Yes, it's twins." I finally pitched in.

The crew talked for another couple of hours about the unborn babies and planned around Kirstie, so she wouldn't have to be super pregnant on tour and her choreography was reduced. We also let the crew know that I was the father, which was an incredibly awkward conversation, but they still supported us. The way tour was shaping up, it was going to be a good time. The only ones left to tell, was the rest of our families and friends. Then we could tell the fans.  

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