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Scott and Mitch came back into the house, just as Matt was putting Kirstie on the sofa in the living room. Will had helped her shower and put her in clean clothes, but it was so clear that she was still in shock. She curled up the same way she had been on her bed, not really making eye contact with anyone and she still hadn't said anything.

"Food's here!" Mitch called as he came into the house, with Scott right behind him. Both of them had multiple bags from various places. Hopefully Kirstie would eat something.

"Kirstie, what would you like? We got all of your favourites." Mitch said excitedly. Kirstie didn't acknowledge him and just blinked, staring at nothing again.

"Kirst?" Scott said, going over to her. The pair looked up at Will.

"She hasn't said anything yet. We've got her to use the toilet and I've given her a shower, but that's it." He said.

The boys sorted out all the food and turned it into an impressive looking buffet. Kevin reached out and grabbed some fries and held them up to Kirstie. She made no move to take anything, so Kevin knew he would have to get a little stern with her. Will and Matt gently pushed her up, so she wasn't lying down, and it would be easier to give her food. Kevin swallowed his pride and took a deep breath. It wasn't going to be nice, but it had to be done.

He knelt down in front of Kirstie and put his hands on her knees.

"Kirstin. You have to eat something. I know you're devastated about losing him, but you can't not eat. If you don't eat, your baby girl won't get anything either and you could lose her too." He said. Kirstie looked right at Kevin. Everyone could see tears forming in her eyes. It was a little harsh, but it was true. Mitch grabbed a burger and held it out to her. With a small sniffle, she took it from him and had a small bite.

Matt, Kevin and Scott got up and left Kirstie with Mitch and Will for a minute.

"Kev that was a little harsh." Matt said.

"I know, but it was needed." He replied.

"But did you have to say it that way?" Scott asked.

"Yes. It was the best way to say it. She needed something to shock her back into reality. If she continued to avoid food and water, she was going to lose the baby girl and then we'd lose Kirstie." Kevin said. Both Scott and Matt gasped, but they knew Kevin was right. The three of them looked back at Kirstie, who was still slowly eating the burger, but was clearly still in shock.

"What are we going to do?" Scott asked.

"About what? Kirstie?" Matt asked.

"Yes, but how are we going to tell everyone else?" Scott said.

"In terms of Kirstie, for the moment I'd suggest someone stay with her 24/7 to keep an eye on her. It's going to take a while for her to get her head around this, if she ever does, and we need to be there for her now more than ever." Kevin said.

"I'll stay with her." Matt said quickly. "The rest of the crew already know. We might have to gather our parents again, or just call them individually to let them know."

"Telling family and friends is pretty simple. But what about the ... how do we tell ... what do we do about the fans?" Scott stuttered out.

"Oh." Matt said.

"They're going to ask questions on tour about it. She won't be able to handle that." Scott said.

"We put out a statement." Kevin said. "It'll have to be from the PTX twitter and Instagram. We'll tell them what happened and ask them not to mention it at all during meet and greets."

"Sounds like a good plan." Scott said. "Kevin, you might have to write it."

"Alright." Kevin said. 

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