The Truth Comes Out

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Matt's POV

I parked at Kirstie's house and looked over at her. Her head was down and there was no smile on her face. I wanted to make her smile again, but with what I needed to tell her, I wasn't sure when that would be.

"Kirstie, do you mind if I come in for a bit? There's something I need to tell you." I asked seriously.

"Okay. Should I be worried?" she asked.

"Well, it depends. Let's go inside." I said.

Kirstie lead us inside and got both of us a drink. I took her hand and we sat down on the sofa in the living room. This was definitely a conversation that required us to be sat down.

"What's this about?" she asked.

"It's about that night. And the father of your baby."

"I'm sure I said that I didn't want to talk about this anymore Matt."

"I know, but this is important. I remembered something the other day from that night and you need to hear it."

"Okay then. Should I be nervous about this?"

"Depends on how you're going to take this."

I swallowed my pride and I saw Kirstie gulp nervously.

"So, we determined that I woke up on your sofa and Avi saw someone take you home. I'm now certain that it was me that took you home. I had let myself go and have some fun, so I was tipsy, borderline drunk. I called us an uber and we went back to your house. You were so beautiful to me, but I had no intention to do anything drastic. I couldn't help myself and kissed you. I didn't want to go much further than that. You clearly did and we wound up on the sofa. You must've gotten up in the night and moved to your bedroom, which explains why we woke up separately."

Kirstie had a look of horror and shock on her face.

"I'm so sorry Kirstie. I had no idea that the antibiotics would affect the birth control. I had no intent to go further than a kiss. I promise I will be here for your and our baby, but I understand if you hate me now and don't want me in the baby's life."

Kirstie didn't say anything for a while. I let her process what I'd just told her, but I was anxious as to what she was going to say.

"We can't tell the boys yet." She said.

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