First Symptoms

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Matt's POV

The day after Kirstie had told us about the baby, we were scheduled in for a group studio session. I had arranged to pick Kirstie up. She had told me that her emotions were all over the place and she didn't trust herself behind the wheel at the moment. I pulled up at her house half an hour before we were due at the studio. The studio wasn't far from her house, but it's LA so traffic is slow. I knocked on the door, and waited for her to come out, but there was no answer.

I took a risk and tried the door. Luck was on my side and the door was unlocked.

"Kirst! It's Matt." I called. A small thud came from what I knew to be the downstairs bathroom. All three dogs were sitting right outside the bathroom, staring at the closed door. I quietly opened the door and crept in.

"Kirst. It's Matt. Are you okay?" I asked. She was bent over the toilet, with tears running down her face as she repeatedly gagged. I put my hand on her back and ran my hand up and down to try and soothe her. She stopped after a few minutes and leant back into me just trying to breathe.

"You okay now?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let me grab a bottle of water and then we can go." She replied. I helped her off the floor and followed her to the kitchen. She grabbed a tissue on her way and cleaned the tears off her face.

"Kirst." I said. She turned to look at me, looking like someone had just kicked one of her dogs. "Are you really okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just morning sickness." She said.

Kirstie didn't want to talk about it after that, which I picked up on, so we just said goodbye to the dogs and left for the studio. I kept the music quiet for the journey and just tried to keep Kirstie calm. By the time we arrived at the studio, she had her arm wrapped around her stomach and was making a face like she was in pain. I jumped out of the car and ran around to her side to help her out. I grabbed our bags and we walked in quickly and met up with the boys.

"There you are." Scott said. I went to reply, but Kirstie let go of my hand and ran out of the room with her hand over her mouth. I dumped our bags on the floor and went after her. Once again, I found her hunched over the toilet emptying her stomach. I comforted her through it and then brought her back into the main room.

"You okay Kirstie?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. Morning sickness." She said.

"Ahh. You going to be okay to sing today?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. Just might have to puke often." Kirstie said.

"Alright then." Scott said.

True to her word, she was running out of the room every 15 minutes to puke. This baby was not being kind to her in the sickness department. Kevin gave her some safe anti-sickness tablets before she needed to record her part, and she was able to concentrate on singing for a while.

"Kirstie, can I ask you a question?" Mitch asked after she was done recording her parts for today.

"Sure." She replied.

"Why did you react so strongly yesterday? You seemed more upset about it than anything." Mitch said.

"Uhm, well I was worried what you guys would say. It will put Pentatonix on hold towards the end of the pregnancy and for a bit after the baby is here." She explained.

"We knew it would happen at some point; we'd never be mad about it." Scott said. He then looked at her as if he was looking into her soul. "That's not the reason you were so upset. There's something else." He said.

"Scott, don't." she said, trying to shut him down.

"That reminds me. I thought about it after we left your house. Kirstie's who's the father?" Mitch asked. Kirstie froze where she was and then took a deep breath.

"I don't know."

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