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A/N: I didn't want to keep you waiting too long ..

Two hours passed. Everyone was pacing the halls outside of Kirstie's room, hoping and praying that their two girls would pull through. Losing the baby boy hurt enough. The most worried, of course, was Angelica. That was her daughter and granddaughter. Everyone could hear the phones going crazy, desperate for news, but it didn't matter. Eventually the main doctor came out of Kirstie's room.

"She's stable. We've had to give her a blood transfusion due to the amount she lost, but she'll be fine. Be gentle with her when she wakes up, and make sure she takes it easy for the next few weeks. I'd recommend bed rest. The delivery was very traumatic on her body, so it's going to take some time to heal. You can go back in now."

"Thank you." Matt said to the doctor as everyone crept into Kirstie's room.

She was curled up on one side, with numerous wires attached to her and an oxygen mask on her face. She was a scarily pale, but they knew it was from the blood loss. She would get better over the next couple of hours as the transfusion worked its magic.

Another hour passed, as everyone talked quietly. In the quiet room, it was easy to hear someone start to groan. All conversations ceased as they listened out for who was making that noise. It wasn't hard to figure out that it was Kirstie groaning as she woke up. The band and Angelica ran to Kirstie's bedside and patiently waited. Kirstie's eyes were fluttering as she tried to get them open, but she was still so tired, so it was a difficult task. After a few minutes, she got her eyes open and squinted at the bright light.

"Hey Kirst. Thank goodness you're okay. We've been so worried." Kevin said as she looked at him.

"You gave us all quite a scare. How are you feeling?" Matt asked.

"Tired." Kirstie replied quietly. "Where is she?"

"Still with the nurses. No one has told us anything." Scott said.

"And you haven't asked?" Kirstie said.

"Ahh, no." Mitch said.

"I'll go and get an update for you." Angelica said, kissing her daughters head. Then she left the room to find her granddaughter.

"You are not allowed to scare us like that ever again." Scott said seriously.

"Sorry." Kirstie said, a small frown appearing on her face.

"You're okay now. That's what matters." Kevin said.

"But what about her?" Kirstie, looking in the direction of the door.

"If anyone's daughter can be strong, it's yours." Mitch said. Kirstie smiled at him and held her arms out for a hug, which he happily fell into. The rest of the band joined in and they stayed there until someone knocked on the door.

"Look who I have." Angelica said as she came into the room with a small bundle in her arms. Everyone in the room looked at her with a gasp.

"She's so small." Mitch said.

"She is very small, but by some miracle, she's perfectly fine. The doctor said that usually a 30-week baby would have to stay in the NICU for quite a few weeks, but she's perfectly healthy. As if she was born at full term." Angelica said. "She will need to be monitored closely for a few weeks since she is so small, but you can take her home."

Angelica passed the baby to Kirstie and tears spring to Kirstie's eyes immediately. All the pain during labour, all the morning sickness, the horrid pregnancy she had; this baby girl made it all worth it.

"You were so worth it." Kirstie whispered to her baby as she cradled her close and then kissed her on the head. Just then, a nurse came in.

"Hi." She whispered, knowing that the baby's ears would still be very sensitive. "I'm assuming your mother told you everything?"

"Yeah." Kirstie said.

"Good. I really don't know how, but she is a miracle baby. I want you to bring her in at least once a week for a check-up, but other than that you can take her home by the end of the day."

"Thank you so much." Kirstie said, not really looking up from her daughter.

"Do you have a name for her?" the nurse asked.

"No not yet." Kirstie said.

"No problem. Just let one of us know when you do. Congratulations on your baby girl." The nurse smiled and left.

Now this was what Kirstie had imagined. Her mother and her best friends with her. Her baby girl in her arms. She may have been an accident, but it was the best accident Kirstie had ever been involved in.

"I can't wait to show you off to everyone." Kirstie said with a yawn. She was tired, but perfectly happy. 

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