Don't Panic

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A/N: I'm almost ready to upload the first chapter of the new Family Ties. Would you prefer it to have more short chapters, or less long chapters? Just so I know how to space it

Matt's POV

Kirstie's just had her twenty-two week scan and things are going well. The bedrest is making so many things easier for her in terms of the pregnancy. The doctor was so happy, that he said Kirstie could try coming off the anti-nausea meds. She wasn't too sure about it, but we have the next three days off, so it's perfect timing to try it. Dre had even managed to get us a hotel for a couple of days.

It felt so nice to be out of the tour bus. We spend a lot of time confined to the small space, so a hotel room feels massive when you first walk in. Dre had worked some magic and we basically had a penthouse suite. All of the band bedrooms were connected to a living room. We had a kitchen and a balcony as well. Money isn't the most important thing in the world, but it really can benefit to have it on occasion.

As Dre was checking us all in, Kevin, Scott and I were brining in the suitcases. Mitch was currently sitting on the sofa, attempting to keep Kirstie awake. Poor thing, the baby is making her really tired. Kevin said that there's a reason for that, but I don't need to understand the reasons, I just need to know how to keep my girls safe.

A couple of staff helped us with the luggage, so we could focus on our sleepy head. Scott and I pulled her up and guided her up to the room.

"She's falling asleep on her feet. Let's just put her to bed." I whispered to Scott.

"Okay. All the bedrooms are the same." He replied. We took her to the first bedroom and put her in pj's. I think she was asleep before we even laid her down on the bed.

Kirstie was much more awake and with it the next morning. She was up just after I was, and I was up quite early.

"Morning Matt." She said, coming out of her room.

"Morning honey. How are you feeling today?" I asked.

"Pretty good. Want to help me make breakfast?"

"Sure. I'm glad you're feeling better." I said.

"Me too. I feel like I have loads of energy today." She said.

"Hence you want to make breakfast." I said. She smiled and nodded.

We were lucky to have all the ingredients we needed for pancakes and waffles. Kirstie's such a whizz in the kitchen, so we made both. I could learn a lot of cooking skill from her. The rest of the band trickled in over the next half an hour, and thanked us for making breakfast. They were a bit surprised that Kirstie was suddenly up on her feet again, but none of us were complaining. It's not fun to see someone you love be ill and run down.

Kirstie had a great day in terms of pregnancy symptoms. She had no sickness, no fatigue and she had this wonderful glow about her. We were so happy she was feeling better, that we forgot that she was supposed to be on bedrest. We were only out for a couple of hours. Kirstie wanted to go to the beach and have some fun whilst her bump was still manageable. We paid for that mistake the next day.

Kirstie was the last one awake, the morning of our second day off. Scott and Kevin had made breakfast, and they must have been tired. Whichever one of them started making breakfast first, forgot that bacon makes Kirstie sick.

"Morning guys." Kirstie said, coming into the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie." Kevin said, giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek. Scott passed a plate of food to her with a smile as she sat down. She began to eat her toast and then she saw the bacon.

With one whiff of the bacon, she was running off to the bathroom with a hand over her mouth. Scott looked shocked, and then he slapped his hand on his head.

"Bacon makes her sick." He said.

"Oops." Mitch said. I rolled my eyes and ran after her. She had tears running down her face and she was gripping onto the toilet with all her strength.

I knelt behind her, held her hair out of the way and rubbed her back. It took a little while for the puking to stop, and she was breathing hard once she was done. She leant into me and let me clean her face up as she tried to get her breath back. Mitch knocked on the door and poked his head into the room. With a small smile, he handed a damp cloth and a glass of water to me.

Kirstie was not leaving the hotel room today, so I settled her on the sofa with a bucket by her feet.

"Kirstie, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot." Scott said, sitting on the chair across from her.

"It's okay." she said. Kevin passed her another plate of toast, but that didn't stay put for long. This is how the rest of the day carried on, with Kirstie barely able to keep food down and the rest of us trying to keep her calm about the situation. Panicking would not help at all.

By the time it got to 7pm, Kirstie was fast asleep on the sofa cuddled in a blanket. She was a bit pale and sweaty, but she was still gorgeous. To say I was worried about how little she'd kept down today, would be an understatement. By the way it was playing out, if she threw up in the morning, she's be throwing up all day.

The entirety of our last day off from tour was spent watching movies and cuddling on the sofa. Kirstie was still throwing up quite a lot, so Kevin made the executive decision to call a doctor. Kirstie had given all of the band her normal doctor's number, so Kevin knew who to call.

"Hi, this is Kevin. I'm calling on behalf of Kirstin Maldonado." He said. "Well, she's been throwing up quite a lot the last couple of days. The doctor she saw for the last scan was happy for her to try coming off the anti-nausea meds, which was fine, but it's come back quite badly." He paused for breath, as the doctor replied. "Yeah okay. We can do that. We did forget the other day, but we were only out for a couple of hours." Kirstie was falling asleep on me now. "Alright, we'll sort that out. Thank you." He hung up and smiled at Kirstie.

"She's not too worried. You can still go back on the meds, but the likelihood they'll work decreases the further along you get. More fruit is required in your diet, and you need to cut out caffeine completely. Someone has to be with you at all times, and you are only to be on your feet if we're on stage or we're walking somewhere." Kevin explained.

"That sounds a bit restrictive." Scott said.

"Yes, it is very restrictive. But it is necessary if the baby and Kirstie are going to be healthy."

"Okay. Can I sleep now?" Kirstie asked. I smiled at her cuteness.

"Of course you can. We'll take care of everything. No worries sweetie." I said, kissing her head. "Both of you will be fine. I'll make sure of it."

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