It's Just Stress, Right?

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A/N: Double, because why not?

Matt's POV

We'd now been on tour for a week, and we were loving life. Kirstie wasn't getting the bad morning sickness, which I may have been more relieved about than her, and things were looking up. As promised, the fans had avoided the topic of the boy completely. A few occasionally brought up the girl, but Kirstie was coping well with questions about her.

It was getting close to 11am, but we'd had a show last night and we have a show tonight. Even Kevin was taking the opportunity to sleep in. Dre volunteered to make breakfast for us, so we were slowly getting up and getting ready for the day. As we expected, Kirstie was the last one up, but she's allowed to be. She's growing another human for goodness sake!

"Morning boys." She said as she came into the front lounge, rubbing her eyes like a young child.

"Aww. Morning sweetie." Mitch replied.

"What are you 'awwing' about?" Kirstie asked.

"You." Scott said. "You're rubbing your eyes and it's so cute."

"If you say so." Kirstie said as she sat down.

"I know so." I said. Kirstie playfully rolled her eyes and took a breakfast plate from Dre.

The five of us had random banter and chatted as we ate our breakfast. It was all light-hearted until Kirstie gasped.

"What? What is it?" I asked, slightly panicked.

"She's kicking again." Kirstie replied with a smile. I immediately put my hand on her belly, wanting to feel as well, but Kirstie had to move it into the correct place. The other three had to feel as well, Kirstie had given us a permanent 'go ahead' to feel her belly pretty much anytime. I think she'd gotten bored of us constantly asking her all day long if it was okay.

As the day continued, we did soundcheck and the meet and greet. Halfway through question time, Kirstie gasped and put a hand on her head. I could see that she was blinking hard as well. Scott and I, being either side of her, grabbed her arms and held her steady whilst Kevin grabbed a chair for her. We gave her a few minutes, and some water, but it appeared to be nothing.

"You okay now?" Kevin asked her.

"Yeah. Just got a bit dizzy." She replied.

"Oh. Nothing to worry about. That's a normal symptom as you get further along." Kevin explained.

"Oh, okay. Good." I said, letting out a huge sigh of relief. I think everyone else in the room did the exact same thing.

"Stay sat down for the moment though. Just in case." Scott said.

"Good call." Kirstie said with a smile.

The next week went by in a blur. Kirstie had her twenty-week scan, which she allowed all of the band to be present for. Our baby girl is perfectly fine, showing no signs of any complications. Kirstie's had a few more pregnancy symptoms, like leg cramps and some pain in her hips, but it's all manageable at the moment.

We've also found out that the smell of bacon makes her sick, so we can't have that for breakfast anymore. Kirstie was more upset about it than we were. We'd do anything to make sure the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly.

We were coming to the end of our 10th show and we just had the last two songs to go. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Kirstie was leaning against the wall looking very pale.

"Kirst? Are you okay?" I asked, gently placing my hand on her arm.

"I think so. Just got a bit light-headed again." She replied, sounding like she was gasping for air.

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