Mama Bear

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Matt's POV

That afternoon, just as Kirstie was drifting off to sleep again, the doorbell went off. I expected it to be Kirstie's Mum and Scott's parents, but I was wrong. Scott answered the door, as Will and Mitch were trying to keep Kirstie calm and get her back to sleep.

"Oh, hello. Haven't seen you in a while. Come in, but be quiet, Kirstie's asleep." I heard Scott say to whoever was at the door. As they came in, all of us gasped at who it was.

"Hey, it's just me Avi."

"Not just you Avi. Me as well." Esther said, looking like she wanted to playful swat her little brother.

"I love that you two are here, but please don't wake Kirstie right now." Kevin whispered, going over to hug the siblings.

"We saw the post. How's she doing?" Esther asked.

"Not great. She's eating now though." I said.

"Is there anything we can do?" Avi asked.

"Not at the moment. Her mother is on her way though." Scott said.

"Good thinking." Esther said.

Kirstie slept for a couple of hours as we talked quietly, wanting her to wake up on her own. Even though Avi had left the band and Esther wasn't our tour manager anymore, they still felt like they needed to be here for Kirstie. She was still their little sister, and she was hurting. When Kirstie finally woke up, she was greeted with Esther running her hand through her hair.

"Hey Essie." She said quietly.

"Hey munchkin." Esther replied.

"You're here." Kirstie said.

"I'm here too!" Avi said.

"Way to ruin the cute moment Avi." Scott teased him. Kirstie had gripped Esther's hand and was sniffing a little bit.

"We saw the post. We needed to be here." Esther said, trying to soothe Kirstie.

"Thank you." Kirstie said quietly.

"We're still family. Even if we're not with you guys as much as we used to be." Avi said.

Esther cuddled Kirstie and had what appeared to be 'girl talk' for a couple of hours, but Kirstie wasn't contributing a lot. Avi offered to make dinner just as the doorbell rang again. I answered it and was almost shocked at who had arrived. I was expecting Kirstie's Mum and Scott's parents, but I wasn't expecting my parents and Mitch's parents as well.

"Oh, hey everyone. Come on in." I said, letting all of them come through.

"Where is she?" Kirstie' mother asked.

"Living room. With Esther." I replied. Angelica was very quick to head straight to the living room as I said hello to the rest of the parents and led them through to the living room. Kirstie looked up at the noise and looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Her mother had already sat next to her and pulled her into a hug.

All the parents said hello to their own kids, not wanting to overwhelm Kirstie too much.

"How's she doing?" my Mum asked me.

"Well, we've gotten her to eat now, but she's extremely upset." I replied.

"Understandably. I'm assuming someone is staying with her at all times?"

"Yeah. We don't want her to feel alone in this."

"Good." My Mum then left and sat on the other side of Kirstie, taking her hand gently and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Kirstie looked at her hand for a second, and then looked at my mum. She took a breath and then looked around the room. All the mothers in the room, including Esther even though she's not an actual mother yet, moved closer to Kirstie knowing what was coming. Kirstie moved her gaze back to her own mother, who was giving her a comforting smile, and started sniffling again. With a giant breath in, she burst into tears and fell into her mothers' arms.

"It's okay sweetie. Let it out." Angelica said, running her hand down Kirstie's back. The volume of Kirstie's sobs increased, and I could feel my heart breaking for her. It was my son that was lost, but Kirstie was feeling it so much more than I was. I wish I could cuddle her until her pain went away. Angelica looked to the other females in the room and I saw a couple of them nod.

"Come on, let's go upstairs for a few minutes." Angelica said. The four mothers and Esther guided Kirstie upstairs as she continued to cry. I watched her go, hoping and praying that they could help her feel better. Everyone left was looking at me once the girls were gone. Before I could comprehend what was happening, Scott's dad had pulled me into a hug.

"Things will get better." He said. "And you've stillgot your little girl to spoil rotten." 

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