Esther to the Rescue

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Over the next hour, Kirstie had a lot more contractions and winced with every single one. Angelica and Matt comforted her through all of it, but Matt found it hard to see Kirstie in so much pain. It was only going to get worse. The rest of the band were in and out of the room, getting anything and everything Kirstie wanted. Just as Scott was putting an ice pack on her forehead, his phone rang.

"Hello?" Scott said.

"Hey Scott it's Esther."

"Oh hey. What's up?"

"I saw about Kirstie on social media. Is she okay?"

"I think so. Her waters broke and she's gone into labour."

"She's early though?"

"Yeah. Ten weeks early, but the doctors can't stop it."

"Do you need us there?"

"Kirstie would probably like to see you."

"We'll be there as soon as we can."

Scott went back into the room with the intention of letting Kirstie know that Esther was coming, but she was mid-contraction and Scott didn't want to interrupt what Angelica was doing to help her daughter. The contraction seemed to go on for a long time, and Scott was so focused on keeping Kirstie calm and comfortable, that he forgot that he needed to tell everyone about Esther. It would be a nice surprise instead.

Kirstie's contractions intensified over the next hour. It had now reached early morning, and everyone was a bit delirious from the lack of sleep, but they wanted to be awake to help Kirstie. Their sister and her baby were far more important than sleep.

The contractions lasted through the night, but the doctors had given Kirstie some meds so she could sleep for a while. Just as the band were compiling a list of breakfast orders the next morning, a knock came at the door. A sleepy-eyed Kirstie called them in, and was greeted by an Esther.

"Esther?!" Kirstie said. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw the manic worry on social media. So I called Scott. How are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm tired. And scared. I don't think I can do this. I just want it over." Kirstie said.

"Nothing to be scared of. You're in the best place. She's going to be fine. And you can totally do this." Esther said, smoothing Kirstie's hair off her face.

"But I haven't got anything at home for her. I was going to sort it all after tour ended. I don't even have a crib."

"We can sort that out. Don't you worry about anything, other than getting your little girl here."

Another contraction took over, so Kirstie leant into Esther and wrapped her arms around the older female, just trying to breathe through it. It seemed to last a very long time, but it did come to an end.

"Right, we'll go and get breakfast and then get whatever you need for her. We'll take your house keys and get it set up too." Mitch said. Kirstie looked a bit hesitant, but Esther was quick to calm her.

"I'll go with them. I'll control them." Esther said, in the way only a previous tour manager could.

"Thanks Es." Kirstie said with a yawn.

Matt and Angelica stayed with Kirstie once the others had brought them breakfast and were off to get baby things. A new doctor came into the room about half an hour after the others left.

"Hi hun. How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Tired." Kirstie said bluntly.

"I can imagine. I just need to see how progressed you are okay?" the doctor said. Kirstie nodded and manoeuvred, with Matt's help, so the doctor could examine her. "Okay, you're 8cm dilated, so nearly there."

"Only 8? I've had contractions all night." Kirstie whined.

"It's okay. You took your time as well. It won't be much longer." Angelica said, trying to keep her daughter calm. "Besides it gives the others time to get the baby things you need." None of them noticed the doctor leave the room.

"True." Kirstie said. Then she had a thought.

"Wait, what did we tell the fans?" Kirstie asked.

"About what?" Matt asked.

"Esther said there was manic worry. Have we told them anything?"

"No not yet. We wanted to see what you wanted to do first." Matt said.

"Oh. May as well tell them." Kirstie shrugged.

"You sure?" Angelica asked.

"Yeah. Don't want to worry them for longer than needed."

"Alright, I'll post something on PTX's accounts." Matt said, taking his phone out.

He kissed Kirstie's head and then left the room to call the others.

"Hey, Kirstie wants to post something about the baby." He said to Kevin.

"She's here?!"

"No not yet. Going to be a little while longer. But Kirstie wants to let the fans know it's happening."

"Oh okay. Just a short thing will do. You can send it to me before you post it if that helps?"

"Will do. See you in a bit." Matt quickly typed something out and sent it to Kevin. He agreed with it very quickly.

Hi Pentaholics. As you are probably well aware, Kirstie's water broke yesterday at the end of our last show. We've been at the hospital since. The doctors cannot stop the labour, so it won't be long before the baby is here. She is quite early though, so prayers for her safety are greatly appreciated. Kirstie is doing well, and being such a trooper. We'll update you when there's any more news.


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