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Triple update!

Matt's POV

Breaking through the quiet in the room, a phone began to ring. All of our heads jerked in the direction of the ringing phone. It was Kirstie's phone, but she was just staring at it. It explained why she hadn't answered us the last couple of days.

"Are you going to answer it?" Mitch asked her gently. She just looked at him with innocence and fear across her face.

"I'll get it if you want." Kevin said. Kirstie looked down and nodded. Kevin answered the phone, but went into another room, so Kirstie could focus on eating normally.

She managed to finish the burger and drink a glass of water just as Kevin came back in the room.

"Kirstie. That was the doctor. She was able to find out why it happened. Are you okay to hear this?" Kevin asked gently. Kirstie was silent for a moment, but then gave him a nod.

"Okay. So she said that there were some issues with the boy. The chances of him getting to full term and actually being able to survive out the womb were so small. It was nothing you did or could control. It most definitely wasn't your fault." Kevin explained. Kirstie was perfectly still for a moment. She sniffled and then burst into tears, leaning into Will for a hug. We waited for her to calm down, giving her hugs and love the whole time. We didn't need to say anything else, she just needed us to be there.

Eventually she calmed down and seemed able to take more news, we wanted to check with her about telling the fans.

"Kirstie, we need to tell the penta-parents and the fans about this. We can call our parents and tell them if you want and I'm sure your Mum would come down if we asked." I said.

"Okay." Kirstie replied. Her voice was so hoarse from not being used, and I could see that talking again was a bit painful, but she was talking. That's a good sign.

"I'm going to write a statement to put up on twitter and Instagram in the next couple of days, once we've told family of course, but I'll get you to check it." Kevin said. Kirstie nodded.

"One of us is going to stay with you at all times for a while. We'll take care of housework for you and anything you need. We don't want you to feel crowded, but you won't be alone in this. We're all here for you." Scott said.

"Okay. Thank you." Kirstie replied.

"Do you want to call your Mum or do you want someone else to do it?" Mitch asked.

"I can't do it." Kirstie said, trying to hold back tears.

"Alright princess. I'll do it." I said, planting a kiss on her head.

I grabbed my phone and left the room, dialling Angelica's number as I went. I don't know what time it is there, but I don't care. Kirstie needs her mother. Now.

"Hello?" a groggy voice said.

"Hi Angelica, it's Matt. Sorry if I woke you."

"It's alright. Is everything okay?"

"No. Kirstie needs you here. As soon as possible."

"What's happened?"

"I'm not sure I should tell you over the phone. Especially if you're on your own right now."

"I'm staying at Scott's parents, so I'm not alone."

"Oh, you might want to get them as well. Scott was going to call them and tell them but may as well do it all together."

"Okay, hold on a minute."

"Right we're all here now. What's going on?"

"Well, you all know Kirstie's pregnant. With twins."

"Yeah. Go on."

"Well a couple of days ago something really bad happened."

"Has she lost them?" Kirstie's Mum asked.

"One of them. The boy. She needs you here." There was silence for a moment.

"We'll be there as soon as we can." Scott's dad said. We hung up and I went back into the living room. I quietly informed Scott that I told his parents, since Angelica was with them, and they would be here soon.

Kevin had finished writing the statement by the time we were thinking of going to bed. He passed it to Kirstie first and then the rest of us to check we were okay with it.

It is with overwhelming sadness that we wanted to inform you of the events that have taken place over the last few days. You all know that Kirstin is pregnant with twins. Unfortunately, there was an issue and one of the twins did not make it. The other is still okay. We are all devastated by this, Kirstin most of all. We are still going ahead with tour and everything that comes with it. We ask that you do not mention anything about the babies or bring up the subject as we support Kirstin with the grief. We love you all so much and know that you will still support us through this difficult time. Thank you – PTX

"Let's tell the rest of the parents and then post it afterwards." Scott said. "That okay with you sweetie?" he asked Kirstie.

"Yeah." She could barely keep her eyes open.

"We're all going to stay with you tonight and then we'll sort things in the morning." Kevin said. Kirstie nodded and curled up on Will, seriously struggling to keep her eyes open any longer.

"We'll tell the other parents in the morning. Right now, we should all get some sleep." I said. The other agreed, apart from Kirstie who had fallen asleep. I tucked her into bed that night and prayed over her and my baby girl. Please let them get through this.

The next morning, we told the rest of our family and friends about the boy before Kevin posted on the PTXofficial accounts the statement he had written. The comments and replies came flooding in quicker than we could say acapella. As expected, everyone was very supportive and agreed not to mention it if they had VIP tickets for tour. Our fans truly are the best. 

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