Chapter 1

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     My boxes land with a hard thud on the bed of my new dorm room. I groan as my eyes sweep around the room checking out how much space I will be sharing this year with a different person. I just hope the guy they put me with is better than the one they stuck me with last year. My ex roommate Chuck was a total slob and did nothing but drive me insane.

     I rip open the cardboard boxes to start hanging up my new clothes. The task only took a fifteen minutes, but I felt better seeing everything in it's place. I moved to my other box sitting on the corner of my bed when I heard a sound behind me. The was a soft knock and cough to let me know my roommate had arrived.

     I turned my head to the sound of the door creaking open and whisper a prayer this guy is gonna be cool. My eyes settle on a guy with dark brown hair with familiar sapphire eyes. He drops his boxes and leaves his arms open with a smirk on his face. I ran to embrace him in a bro hug.

     "Dude! It is awesome to see you! And we are going to be roommates. There is no way this is gonna be safe." Alex released me as we both started laughing and I reached down to help him with his stuff. I just tossed it on his bed to let him sort it out. "You pack like a chick man. Why do you have so many boxes?"

     "Unlike you Jay. I have style which means I need more clothes." I shook my head at him knowing he hasn't changed since we graduated high school two years ago. "I can't believe they accepted my transfer to play football here." Alex was a star player in high school and if it wasn't for his love of girls he might have kept his grades high enough to get into a division one school to begin with. 

     "Don't worry man. Once they let you on the field the whole school will be eating out of the palm of your hand just like in high school." I watch as he smiles and starts to daydream about being the big star again. I decide to bust his bubble and hit him square in the nose with a nerf football.  He falls back to the bed like he has been killed before laughing and returning fire.

     After a few rounds of firing the football at each other we both go back to unpacking, but this time we have the radio on. Country music fills the room as we perform our worst versions of each song that comes on. I start to think maybe this will be the best year of college year and it only took getting to my junior year for things to get good. 

     The second the song ends on the radio my stomach roars in our quiet room. "Man if we don't get food soon I am going to have to eat one of the freshmen as a snack." The gears in my head start turning as I see Alex pick his head up. I smile and say, "Last one to the dining hall buys lunch?" I see a devilish grin spread across his face as he takes off out of the room getting a head start on me.

     I rush out the door and kick myself into another gear to catch up. I spot some boxes in the hallway and hurdle them easily making up some distance. My years of training for track give me the advance since the dining hall is on the other end of campus. I yell just before reaching him, "On your left!" I laugh as I gallop past him seeing the finish line coming into view.

     I look back over my shoulder to see how much of a lead I have when I collide with something solid knocking me to the ground. I instantly feel guilty when I hear another person groaning and I turn over to check on them when I hear them scream at me. "WHAT THE HELL DUDE? Why don't you look where you are going? I mean can it be that hard to..."

     My eyes finally settle on the person in front of me as a shock wave goes through my body. "Holy shit Mel I did not see you there." Her face twists from anger to confusion as she looks at me. Suddenly, she sits up a little straight as I watch her baby blue eyes widen at the sight of me.

     "Jayden? Is that you?" I feel her jump on me wrapping her arms and legs around me crushing me. I laugh as I hug her back and rock her against me. Finally, her head lifts up from my chest her voice sounds quieter. "Did you have a growth spurt over the summer? You are huge!" I can only shrug while she holds onto me.

     She was not wrong in thinking I grew over the summer because it was obvious to those who say me last year. I jumped up another five inches and my body finally filled out so I no longer look like a midget twig. Standing six foot tall and a solid two hundred and five pounds I felt like a normal guy now. I smile dragging her up with me when I hear Alex's footsteps get closer.

     "Sick wipe out man. Who's the....Melanie? I didn't know you came here too. Who else is here that went to our high school?" I feel Mel release me and stand on her own feet brushing herself off before answering his question.

     "Well I was on my was the meet Amber for lunch if you guys want to join us." I felt my stomach do a back flip at the sound of Amber's name. I have had a crush on her since we were freshmen in high school when she move to our town. I feel an elbow jammed into my side as I scowl at Alex.

     "Let me guess. Lover boy still hasn't figured out how to make her fall for him." I take a deep breath in before Mel's voice breaks my train of thought.

     "Nope." The sound of the "p" pops in her mouth as she grins at me before reaching her hand up and sliding it up my arm. "He still has had no luck, but who knows maybe these new muscles will be enough to have her begging to be yours." She bites her lip trying to hold in a laugh as I give a death glare to the two of them.

     "Why do my friends like bringing up my suffering?" I mumble under my breath as I feel myself being dragged into the dining hall. I try to drag my feet just to make Melanie work for it, but her legs are still strong enough to keep me moving. The room becomes a buzz of conversations from all the students talking about their summer break.

     I feel Melanie stop pulling me so I finally pull my head up to see the reason why. Across from me Amber stands there with her mouth wide open staring. Is she staring at me? Before I can react I watch her bound to me attacking me with her arms squeezing hard at my waist. I let my arms slide around her shoulders as I returned the hug. I kept my head close to her raven hair letting the smell of her watermelon shampoo fill my nostrils.

     Her honey brown eyes slide up to meet my gaze when she finally speaks. " got so big. I like it." Her smile had my heart slamming in my chest as I held her. I frown as  I feel her arms loosening from my waist. "Come on guys! Let's get our food and catch up." I feel myself getting dragged off again, but this time it was by the girl of my dreams.


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