Chapter 23

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     My attention is focused solely on Amber as she gracefully makes her way down the staircase. Her red strapless dress hugs tightly against her curves flowing with the slit exposing her firmly tanned legs. My breath hitches in my throat as I fight to move my frozen body. A soft smile plays with her lips while she glides along the railing and she finally lifts her eyes to meet mine. Her warm honey eyes seemed to make everything melt away.

     I pull my mind out of a daydream realizing my feet had already carried me to the bottom of the steps waiting on her. My shaking hand is soon steadied by her warm touch as she takes her place on my arm. "You look...Amber..I mean..." Panic rises in my chest as I fumble my words towards her. "What I am trying to say is you look You look perfect in every way. From your dress to your jewelry to your hair. Just wow."

     The raven hair I had gotten used to had been replaced with her natural hair color that I had not seen since high school. The light brown hair gently spun down to become golden curls prancing down past her shoulders. A gentle squeeze of my hand brings me back into focus. "Did you hear me? I said you look extremely handsome tonight."

     The tips of my ears burn while I force my gaze away from her. "Sorry. Your beautiful is too distracting."

     "Oh...well thank you. Shall we continue what we started on Halloween?" My eyes go wide thinking about how close our lips were that night then I realize she is leading us towards the area where everyone is dancing to the soft Christmas music. Relax Jayden. It's just dancing.

     When we reach an empty spot I spin her to face me taking one hand in mine and relaxing the other one on her hip. The same butterflies flutter in my stomach as they did during the last dance we had. We move as one across the floor and I spin her occasionally just to bring her back tight against me and each time she comes back smiling.

     "So what do you think about my hair? You said you liked it right?" Spinning her once more I let a free hand slide down her face and follow her curls.

     "Like it? I love it. You looked good with black hair, but I was always a sucker for your natural hair color. I prefer it this way." I look at her confused when I expect her to be happy with my words, but she looks almost stunned. We continue dancing and once I hear what sounds like a whisper, "Why couldn't you have told me that earlier?" I try to study her even when she comes close to me with her radiant smile back on her face. Did I hear her correctly?

     We dance through many songs not wanting to leave each other's company. We make small talk as we slide between other couples. After a time we danced to close to a person carrying a handful of drinks and when they collide with me my shirt is left soaking wet. The caterer starts to apologize profusely when Amber's tight grip seizes me again pulling me with her. "Come on we can go upstairs to clean you up."

    I half follow and am half dragged up the stairs by the breathtaking girl in the red dress back to her room. Once inside she kicks at the door only barely catching it so it only closes half way. "Take it off. Both the jacket and the shirt." My hands go up to start with my tie before the words click in my head and I stop. "Now is not the time to be shy Jay. It's not like this is going to be the first time I have seen you without a shirt. Now off!"

     She turns on her heel heading to take a seat in her desk chair then turns back to me. My fingers make quick work of the tie and jacket so soon I am laying them on her desk before starting the undo the buttons on my shirt. Amber's attention is focused looking out the window until I stand shirtless in front of her holding my wet clothes out for her.

     She snatches them from me rushing into her private bathroom spending a few minutes alone before returning. "Good thing is they won't be stained. I hung them up and put a fan on them to help dry. When they are dry you only have to worry about smelling like champagne." Her legs cross the room towards me then she hops up onto her bed throwing her legs across my lap peeing off her heels. "Heels are the devil. I love how I look in them, but I hate how much they hurt my feet."

     "Trust me. I know exactly how amazing you look in heels." My words come out barely more than a breath. I hear a hmmm come from her as I wave her off taking her foot in my hand to begin giving her a foot massage. I work my hands tenderly between her feet and calves kneading them with my strong fingers forcing a moan to come from her lips. I watch as she leans her head back enjoying it and I lean down kissing her calf making her unleash an addicting sound to my ears. "I always knew I could make you moan like no other."

     She kicks at me playfully with an amused look on her face, but does not pull her legs from my grasp. I work steadily on her until she is finally able to form words. "I think those rumors at school are finally going to your head Jayden." My eyes meet her in a challenging look.

     "Oh really? I bet you I could make your scream just by using my bare hands." I left my hands up spreading my fingers and wiggle them at her. Her upper body leans up close to me so she can speak into my ear.

     "I don't believe you could Jay. I would like to see you try." My devilish grin spreads as I pounce on top of her striking out with my hands to her sides. Her eyes go big realizing it is too late when my fingers spread across her ribs tickling her. She squirms under me trying to escape my hold while she is laughing.

     I follow her body as she slides further on the bed and I make sure to stay over her. " not fair Jay!" I place my hands at her side when I stop maintaining  my spot above her. Our chests expand rapidly trying to gather ourselves while neither of us look away from the other's gaze.

     My body acts for me as I lean down placing a soft kiss on her shoulder causing her to shiver. I slide my lips closer to her neck and kiss again on her collarbone. The same addicting moan escapes her lips when one of her legs wrap around me pulling me tightly to her. I press my lips harder where her neck and jaw meet then go back to grazing her skin with soft pecks along her jawline.

     I push up on my arms hovering about her pink lips when one of her hands clutch behind my head pulling me closer. The heat from her breath lands on my lips as I feel helpless moving closer. "Amber? Where are you honey?" My body is pushed back as both of our eyes land on a guy standing in the doorway.

     "Who the hell are you?" My voice is laced with venom when I stand up facing the new person in the room.

     "I am Amber's boyfriend. What the hell do you think you are doing in my girlfriend's room with no damn shirt on?" Fire burns inside me while I turn my eyes back and forth between the two of them. Amber's fingertips graze my arm trying to pry my fist open.

     "Jayden don't do this. It's not what it looks like." My lip curls up into a snarl as I race to grab my clothes and throw them on quickly. I make my way back to the door where the guy has this stupid shit eating grin on his face. My hands fly up picking him up by the shirt and I slam him against the wall. "NO JAYDEN!" My rage is only slightly dulled when I look at her with tears in her eyes. I growl at him and sling him onto the ground before almost running down the stairs.

     I don't slow down when I hear Amber's voice begging me not to leave when I push through the crowd of the way to the door. I slam into a kissing couple almost knocking them over and start to apologize when my eyes land on Alex and Melanie. "Jay? What the hell is going on?" Melanie's face burns even more red as she slides behind Alex.

     "Don't worry about it. I'm leaving so y'all have a good time." I turn quickly without a reply when my arm is grabbed just as I reach the door.

     "Jayden?" Bethany's confident voice sounds questionable seeing my face then turning back up the stairs to see the same guy I threw on the ground. "What is he doing here? He isn't welcome here."

     "Ask your sister. Thanks for trying anyway." I pull away from her to hurl myself into the cold weather outside making my way to my truck. New snowflakes land on the windshield when the truck starts while I take one more look at the door. Four people stand on the porch. Bethany is steady yelling and flailing her arms at her sister. Amber's boyfriend does the stupid thing in trying to grab Bethany to stop her and ends up getting a fist to the face from Beth's boyfriend. The wheels spin on the cold ground before gaining traction lurching me forward. The last thing I see is a crying Amber before my truck leaps onto the empty road.


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