Chapter 6

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     I feel a shiver run down my spine as Jessica approaches me. At this point I do not know whether it is from her or the cool fall air. Her glossed lips find mine as she presses hard against me. I hold her body in a tight embrace before I pull away from the kiss reluctantly. Her eyes dance playfully as a smile breaks across her face. She was such a temptress.

     "Ready to go meet the others?"

     "If we must." She lets out a yelp as I squeeze her hips with one hand. I give her a look that speaks for itself then I slide my arm all the way around her waist before leading her to the main courtyard. I believe that Jessica needs a filter between her brain and mouth sometimes. I zip up my jacket tighter when I feel a gust of wind hit us once we starting getting to a more open area.

     I let my eyes roam around the crowd looking for my friends. I figured they would have beat us here to find a good spot before they are all gone. I feel Jessica's nails running up and down my arm triggering another shiver to run through me. I hear her try to hide her giggle because I can tell she enjoys messing with me.

     "Yo Jay! Over here man!" I spin to Alex's voice and see him waving to get my attention. I see him standing near a brick wall leading to a small cove that still has good view of the giant projection screen. I see movement near his legs and squint my eyes to see exactly what it is. I smile to see both Melanie and Amber already sitting on the ground talking about god knows what.

     "Got any good gossip girls?" I laugh when the two of them almost jump out of their skin even though I am joking with them. Once they snap out of their daze I am attacked by hugs from both of them. I can't help but smile at the sweet smell coming from Amber and the feel of her warm embrace. Behind my I hear Jessica let out a little cough.

     "Yeah guys this is Jessica. The idiot in the corner is Alex." He does a cheesy bow to her that earns him a smack from Melanie. "The abusive one is Melanie and this is Amber." Both girls extend their hands to greet Jess. I can see the wheels moving inside her head as I mentally brace myself for the worst.

     "Hello. Nice to meet you. I am the new girlfriend." Her voice sounds pleasant as she shakes their hands. Where did she come up with that? It was never made official because we just haven't talked about it and I never asked her.

     Mel stands taller than usually meeting Jessica's eye. "You are pretty and I am not abusive. But, I am the best friend."

     "And I am his oldest friend." She stretches the word oldest longer than it usually sounds. Amber's voice sounds colder than usual even though she keeps her usual bright smile on her face. I look at Jess as her face starts to turn slightly more red. Her hands find my waist as she slips both arms around me pulling herself tight to me.

     "Snacks anyone?" I can barely make out his words through the food already in his mouth. I will have to thank him and his bottomless gut later for distracting everyone. I take a seat and Jessica takes her place right beside me opposite from everyone else. She is so close she is practically in my lap.

     The beginning trailers start to play as she snuggles up against me. I feel how cold her skin is as she starts to shiver. I slide off my jacket and wrap it around her shoulders only to see her grin against me. Great. I have turned into a glorified heated pillow.

     Jessica's fingers dance over mine as she pulls my hand into hers. I watch her for only a moment before letting my eyes go back to the screen. I let out a low groan when I see it is a horror movie. Well, this is going to be boring to watch. Twenty minutes into the movie I feel Jess pull herself up to my ear and whisper, "Maybe we could find a spot of our own for that alone time you promised me."

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