Chapter 3

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     My legs burn as I continue my forced run pulling alongside Melanie trying to match her pace. "On your left Mel!" I look over to her as I see strands of her hair pulled from her ponytail sticking to her face. I stick my tongue at her while we follow the trail and start to ascend up the steep hill. I watch her face twist when she loses concentration as I finally caught up with her.

     "This is so not fair! Your legs got longer!" I laugh as I push myself harder up the hill to put some space between us. Melanie lets out a frustrated groan and I hear her footsteps quicken behind me. The scariest thing is I do not hear her breathing change the whole time she is trying to catch up to me.  

     "You are losing your touch Mel. I am just a track guy now and I am already beating you in the first week of practice." I feel my face break into a grin as I reach the top of the hill and begin my descent. I make sure to keep my legs pumping so I do not tip and fall down the hill. I know the end of the trail is getting close and I have to hold onto my lead.

     I don't dare look over my shoulder to see how far back Melanie is. The hill tapers to a flat straightaway and I begin pushing my legs with the last of my energy. My lungs feel like they are on fire as I try to concentrate on keeping my breaths even. I can see the finish line in sight.

     I feel my confidence grow with each step I take towards the end when I get an uneasy feeling. "On YOUR left Jay!" My head snaps to my left as I watch her frame pull up beside me. I see her evil smirk as she pushes her strong legs blowing past me just ten feet from the finish line. You have got to be kidding me! I was so close.

    I collapse in the soft grass wheezing and try to catch my breath. "" I take deep breaths between each word when she stands over me. She keeps her hands behind her head as she takes in air so easily.  I watch her bend down above my face and some of her loose hair falls towards me.

     "Losing my touch huh? You are still getting your butt kicked by a girl." She sticks her tongue out and laughs down at me.

     "Keep that tongue out and I will bite it off." My voice comes out as a growl making her laugh even louder. She will pay for this one day. I lay there mumbling as she walks around my body.

     "Come on. You owe me dinner now." She reaches her hand down to help me up. I take it and groan about our bet. One of these days maybe I will actually beat her. I am sure I have invested hundreds of dollars just buying food for Melanie because our stupid bets.

     I feel her arms rest on my shoulders as she steps behind me. "Are you gonna hold up the other end of our bet?" I shake my head as I squat down lower for her. She jumps up on my back and wraps her arms around my neck. I make sure I have a tight grip on her as I start the jog back to my truck.


     Alex's loud voice pierces my ears pulling my attention away from my phone. "DUDE! What a night man." He stumbles in and flops down on his bed almost falling off. The smell of alcohol fills the room and I know there is only one place it could be coming from.

     "How much did you drink?" He picks up his head watching me while he thinks. I was sure I was about to see smoke pouring out of his head.

     "I quit counting after the sixth shot of whiskey. I do know I made out with four different chicks and even got to fool around with one back at her dorm." He sits up propping himself against the wall remembering his night. He sits silently only for a moment before bring his attention back to me. "We have go to get you out there with me. I need a wingman."

     "No way dude. I don't plan on wasting my college life just getting with random girls all the time." My head is shaking as I meet Alex's eyes. His eyes seem to sober up as the wheels in his head turn.

     "You don't want random chicks because you want just one girl." A stupid grin appears on his face. "The beautifully tanned cheerleader. Amber Knight." He bursts out laughing and rolls to his side. I feel like strangling him.

     I feel the heat spread to my body at the sound of him laughing at me. "Maybe I am just waiting for the right moment." I grumble looking back down at my phone as it lights up with a message.

     Amber: I swear if I hear one more of my friends hooked up with Alex I am going to cut off his baby maker!

     My face burns with a smile and I stare stupidly at my phone. I start to move my thumbs to reply when a pillow knocks my phone out of my hand. I glare at Alex and return fire before he can get his hands up to defend himself.

     "Hey! Quit throwing my shit." He tucks the pillow behind him before taking a deep breath. "Really Jay. You need to do something. The last time you tried making a move was prom in high school." My hands drops back to my lap as I remember that night.

     I barely got the nerve to ask her to prom only to find out she was already going with someone.  Mel and Alex dragged me with them so I wouldn't pout at home alone. They did a good job distracting me until I watched Amber's date get awful grabby during a dance. She tried to push him away, but he held on tight until I ripped him away from her.

     I expected her to be mad that I started beating her date, but she just grabbed my arms and made me hold her. She told me to take her home and that is exactly what I did. She stayed in my truck for almost a half hour crying against me as I tried to comfort her. I finally got her to the front door and just as she opened the door she kissed me on the cheek before disappearing inside.

     I felt the warmth of her lips on my cheeks hours later even after I went home. Amber had never looked at me the way before or after that night. I let out a deep breath thinking about the whole thing again. I was in deep trouble because of this girl. I need help.

     "Okay Alex. I am willing to do this. Will you please help me? Teach me how to get a girl like Amber." I feel like I am making a pact with the devil. I watch him sit up and rubbing his hands together as his smile spreads from ear to ear.

     "Well my dear friend. Welcome to the class of how to get any girl you want. I will be your teacher. My name is Alexander the Great, but you can call me Alex the Conqueror."

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