Chapter 29

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     The cab of my truck rocks as the wheels crunch down the gravel road pulling into view of the lake house. The private road leads into a circular driveway with two vehicles already parked in front of the house. The first car is Alex's camaro and the second is an unfamiliar jeep. I frown slightly parking behind it and jump out while slinging my duffel bag over my shoulder.

     I march up the stars onto the front porch when the door swings open and Bethany's frame comes out. "Jayden!" Her squeal reaches my ears at the same time she jumps up crashing into me wrapping her arms and legs around me. My duffel bag lands with a solid thud as I have to drop it so I can catch her even though her momentum makes me stumble a step. I lock my hands around her back and squeeze her tight against me before looking over her shoulder.

     "Your boyfriend doesn't seem too happy for you to be in my arms." Her head spins towards him as he makes his way back into the house out of view. "He will have to get over it. You're basically my little sister." Her hands playfully slap my chest as she hops down and pulls me inside.

     "Hopefully one day I will be your sister in law." She sends a wink at me as my face starts to burn. Her soft laugh echos in the house while she flips her hair the other way. "And I will just have to make it up to him later. You got here too late and all the rooms have been taken. Amber has her own. Alex is rooming with Mel while Andrew is sharing a room with me. There is that big couch in the game room downstairs though and it has it's own bathroom down there."

     That is perfect fine with me because I don't need anything fancy. However, I am not totally sure I trust Andrew to be alone with Bethany for a whole week. Beth's lips are moving rapidly talking about the plans for the week as we walk through the house. She has grown into a wonderful young woman, but my plan is to make sure she doesn't grow up too fast and no high school boy is going to get in the way of that.

     "Jay?" Amber's voice calls to me from the top of the stairs. She bare feet bound down the wooden stairs racing towards me. Her slender and toned legs cover the ground quickly and my eyes rise up taking her in. My mouth falls open at how good she looks in daisy dukes and her loose fitting shirt. "I was worried you wouldn't be able to make it."

     Bethany mumbles, "Like I would allow him to miss this." Amber shoots her sister a look before turning a smile back to me and sliding her arms around my neck. Instinctively I wrap my arms around her small waist pulling her tight against my chest.  The pounding in my chest can only speed up having her this close.

     "You smell really nice. Did you know that?" I turn to look at her and her lips grace the corner of my mouth making me freeze.

     "Oh god I'm sorry! That was suppose to be on your cheek, but you moved." She wears a nervous smile that dances on her lips and she leans in again planting another kiss on my cheek. "There. That is what I was trying to do and thank you for saying that. Hey sissy do you want to head outside with me so we can check the boat and jet skis?"

     "Sure. I'm down for that." My body feels colder the second Amber's arms leave me and she starts to walk away with her sister. I stand their dumbly watching the pair when Bethany looks back over her shoulder seeing me. She calls back, "You can go set your stuff downstairs or have a look around. The balcony has a great view."

     I hop to my task making it downstairs and throw my bag on the couch while looking around. The room is have a giant television, a pool table, ping pong table, dart board, and a bar.  My hands open up the cabinets to reveal the bar is fully stocked as a wicked smile spreads. This week was already shaping up to be a good one.

     I linger for only a few more minutes before I start up the stairs to look for the balcony. I find it easily and I find Andrew already there leaning against the railing staring down at the lake. I clear my throat making him jump and spin to face me. I offer my hand out before speaking, "Jayden. Nice to finally meet you."

     "Andrew and likewise." His hand fits into my with a decent squeeze and I hold back a smile as I squeeze back making his knuckles roll together. His face pales from the painful action just before I let go laughing then make my way to the railing. He finds his place beside me and my eyes land on the same spot he was already staring.

     The balcony has a great view of the lake and there is a path from the house leading to it's own dock. The same dock that the two beautiful sisters are currently on. I find myself staring at Amber's tanned skin as she bounces around on the boat checking to make sure everything is still good. I still feel the faint warmth where her lips caught the corner of my mouth. I should have turned just a little more.

     Bethany jumps on a jet ski checking everything when a knot twists in my stomach. My eyes flick over to Andrew measuring him up. He stands an inch or two taller than me and probably twenty pounds heavier, but that doesn't mean much to me. I turn my body to face him still resting my elbow on the railing. "So what are your plans with Bethany?"

     His eyes grew wide in panic when he looked back at me, but he quickly hid it. "I have no plans with her. I really like her and she in fun to be around. She is a freshman and I am a junior, but we are both still kids. We have only been together a little over four months and she still drives me insane sometimes. She hated my guts at first when I meet her on the football practice field." I can't hide a smile when I think of her giving him a hard time.

     "Well you got one part right. You are both still kids. She obviously likes you a lot if you are still together." His chest started to swell and I felt like popping it like a balloon. "Look that girl is all the right things. She is smart, funny, beautiful, and motivated. She is going to finish high school and go to college boy. And if you jeopardize that I will make sure you disappear."  He instantly takes a step back holding his hands up to me.

     "Look man. I get it. You're like family and you want what is best for her. Right now we are just together and enjoying being with each other. I get to call her mine and it makes me happy. I want her to go to college and be successful because that is the type of person she is. Plus, Alex already threatened me not to hurt her." My face darkens as my gaze narrows on him.

     "If you ever hurt Bethany you will never have to worry about Alex. He is a good guy and would defend her, but he is nothing compared to me. Got it?" He nods his head rapidly while his eyes look for an escape route. Melanie's light voice calls from behind me.

     "Jayden. Stop threaten the kid. He is a good guy and Bethany likes him so give him a chance. Also, the pizza got here so let's go eat."

    "Be there in a second." I turn my attention back to Andrew staring into his eyes. Even with the fear in his eyes he does look like a good guy and I have listened to Bethany go on about how well he treats her. This lecture is just a formality, but he needs to hear it. "Also I don't want any funny business on this trip. Keep it in your pants. She doesn't need any kids for years. Also I will personally hold you down and let Amber separate your baby maker from you if I hear anything on this trip. Understand?"

     "Understood." His voice cracks slightly and I fight the urge to laugh. His eyes flick back towards the lake where his girlfriend is.

     "Alright. Call the girls in and I will meet you in the kitchen. I might even let you have a couple pieces of pizza." We both laugh and  I head inside while he calls down to Amber and Bethany. I believe Bethany made the right choice with this one and I actually think they might have something. Lucky them.

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