Chapter 9

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     "Jayden!" I hear Amber's voice getting closer to me so I slow my pace allowing her to catch up. It takes her no time to make up the space between us taking her place beside me with a mischievous smile on her face. "Sooooo what did you think about Zoe?"

     So she wants to play this game. I do my best to hide all emotion and keep a straight face. "Zoe? Who is Zoe?" Her mouth drops as she surges in front of me blocking my path.

     "My friend that I forced you to meet in the park last night." I maintain the almost impossible task of not showing a smile. Instead I just raise an eyebrow as she talks.

     "Your friend Zoe? Long golden hair? Shining emerald eyes? Smile that could bring mountains to the ground?" Excitement floods across her face as she nods her head up and down while she brings her hands together. I decide to torture her more. "Doesn't ring a bell." I start to walk past her again fighting the urge to laugh out loud.

     "Oh no you don't Jayden!" She catches back up to me and pushes me to the wall. "Zoe gave me the silent treatment all this morning so I want to know what happened." I was starting to like Zoe even more because she was only helping me torture Amber. I allow a small smile to finally come to the surface of my face as I raise both hands in surrender.

     "All we did was have a small talk and listen to music. That is all that happened." I push off the wall and kiss the top of her head. "I'll talk to you later. But, right now I am late to class because of you." I can still see the displeasure in her eyes as I open the door to my math class.

     "You better tell me later Jay. You owe me that much." She lets out a sound of frustration and stomps off causing me to laugh. She deserved this treatment for setting me up on a blind date without warning me. It was all worth it just to annoy her. My teacher glares at me as I just give him a wave and take the back seat next to the window.

     When the lesson resumes my mind starts to drift to my time last night. Zoe was something entirely different that I am familiar with. She was understanding of my problems and when we touched she set my skin on fire. The thought of last night still brings a smile to my face before an important thought.

     I never asked for her number last night. My head falls to my desk as I groan to myself thinking how stupid I am. I don't know how else to get a hold of her besides asking Amber. She would love that. She would extort me by asking about all the details of last night just to give me her number. I bet my evil friend would just love that.

     I pull myself back leaning against the window as the class drones on boring me. I turn my eyes outside to see if there is anything interesting out there. What I see causes me to do a double take making sure my eyes are not playing tricks on me. Outside the classroom window leaning against an old oak tree is Zoe.

     How did she even know what class I was in? I lock eyes with her as a simple grin appears on her face as taps her watch. Does she really expect me to just ditch after spending one night with her. Her body sways softly as the wind blows leaving me watching her every move. I shift my eyes to the second door in the back of the room. I wonder if I could make it without getting caught.

     I make sure the teacher is not looking before turning my gaze back to the window. My eyes grow wide when I realize she is not there. Shit! The second I see the teacher turn away again I jump out of my seat making my way out the door and close it it silently. I make way around the corner and out the door searching where I last saw her.

     "You know chasing a girl could get you hurt." Her soft words in my ear send a shiver up my spine as I spin to face her. I slide my hands onto her hips and pull her to me. "Such a naughty boy. Skipping class to see a girl."

     "You know stalking a guy wearing stuff like that could become dangerous. He might not be able to contain yourself." I grin looking up her body. Her athletic legs look tempting in her tennis skirt. She gently pushes me away giggling and starts to walk away.  I increase my stride to catch up to her reaching her side.

     She takes my arm as I reach her sending a warm feeling through my body. "So I guess Amber was trying to interrogate you about last night?" I expel a barking laugh at her question thinking about how annoyed she was earlier.

     "Yes. She tried to corner me practically begging for details. It seems that she wasn't very happy with you keeping the details to yourself either." I lean over kissing her shoulder as we walk and then her cheek making it turn bright pink. "Am I mistaking or are you blushing Zoe?"

     Her face dives into my chest hiding her face from me. "Nah huh!" Her words are muffled by my shirt and her hands hold it tight.

     "Do you realize how adorable you look when you blush? And how cute you look trying to hide it." Her bright eyes peek up to me and I reach her sides tickling her making her burst into fits of laughter. Her hands fight to stop me before finding my neck and pull me into a kiss.

     I fell her melt into me during our embrace trying to make it last as long as possible. We both pull away breathing heavily with simple smiles on our faces. "That is cheating you know." I watch her biting her lower lip making me feel weak.

     "It is not cheating. I am just using what I know will help me win against you." She seems very smug with her answer.

     "How would you know your kiss would stop my tickling assault?" I study her as she pulls back slightly before placing her lips on my nose.

     "The same way I knew you would stay with me longer last night when I asked." I let out my pent up breath shaking my head at her. She just had to go there knowing I couldn't argue with her. "How about we go somewhere and make a plan to deal with Amber? Some place it could just be me and you."

     I close my eyes thinking about it. I was supposed to head to practice with Mel today. I have never missed a practice before, but I felt compelled by Zoe. I could feel her eyes burning into me begging me to come with her. Something really was different about her.

     "Okay. Let's go then." She kisses me lightly once more before taking my hand and pulling me along with her to an unknown destination.

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