Chapter 4

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     Calm flows through me in my black abyss as I feel weightless. I look down to see the dark floor as I step across it. I am half way across when I no longer feel the floor beneath my feet and see that I am plummeting downward. My stomach twists with the horrible sensation of falling as I watch for the hard stop at the bottom. I clinch my eyes shut and let out a soundless scream on the way down.

     My head lands on my desk with a solid thud as I open my eyes to find myself back in Professor August's classroom. I can't believe I fell asleep during hid lecture again. My eyes flick up to my teacher as he glares at me annoyed. "Well, since I seem to be boring some of you to sleep we shall have a pop quiz." I groan at his words and watch him pass out papers to each student.

     I should not have fell asleep again, but I blame Alex. He had been attempting to teach me everything he knew about getting girls to like me. Most of the lessons he had in our dorm made me laugh because he treated me like I had never dated before. I had done alright with girls growing up except when it came to Amber.

     I stared down at the pop quiz and realize that I would make quick work of it. I was already two chapters ahead in our math book so this was nothing. A small smile appeared on my face as I worked each problem out in my head. A few strokes with my pencil and the quiz was done so I flipped it over to wait for the professor to collect the papers.

     My hand falls to my side as I feel a piece of paper in my pocket. It was a list of rules Alex had written down that he wanted me to memorize. I shook my head at the stupid idea, but I figured I should try to remember them.

1) Confidence- Always be sure of yourself and let them know how much of catch you are. Don't be afraid to stretch a few things. Girls don't pay attention to white lies.

2) Be hands on- Do stuff for her, but also do your best to constantly touch her. Know the sensitive areas to touch.

3) Play hard to get- Draw her in, but leave her waiting for more. Don't be clingy. Wait to text back or call after a date. Make her wait and think how awesome you are.

4) Eye contact- Let her catch you watching her every move. Also let her catch you watching others so she can try and force your attention back to her. (If she gets mad just say you are comparing how much better she is than the rest. Works every time.)

     My mind goes blank after the fourth rule. Alex was such a tool and I have no clue how any girl could fall for him. The only problem is it works for him. He is constantly going from girl to girl like it is just a game. Maybe his methods really do work on any girl.

     "Alright class. Brings your papers to the front desk and you may leave. You homework will be on your personal Portal on the school website. Have a good day." His eyes sweep to mine as I look away after laying my paper down and dart out of the room. Note to self try not to stay up until four in the morning texting Mel arguing about movie and book comparisons.

     "Yo Jay!" I hear Alex's voice as he jogs to meet me. "Memorized the rules yet?" I shake my head as I reach into my pocket. I pull the paper out and it instantly get snatched by a hand coming from behind me.

     "What's this?" Melanie voice sounds curious as she turns away from me trying to open the paper. I strike out to get it back, but she keeps it moving so I can't reach it. "You have got to be kidding me. Alex do you actually believe half this stuff or are you that stupid?" The disappointment in her voice gets to me even though her words are directed at Alex.

     "I know they work. I live by those rules and they will work perfectly for Jay." Alex's smug voice sounds convincing as he crosses his arms in front of his chest. I turn back to face Melanie only to see her ripping up the paper.

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