Chapter 20

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     "Time to get your head out of your ass Mr. Hart. You are just going through the motions and I need you ready for the first meet tomorrow." Coach's sharp voice pierces my ears bringing my attention to the yelling man. "What is wrong with you kid? Girl trouble or is your only concern with the Winter holidays in a couple weeks?"

     "No sir. Just tired from studying for finals next week." I was studying for my finals last night so it was not a complete lie. His eyes narrow on me judging my words. He had been listening to lying kids for years so the odds of me getting away cleanly were slim.

     "Then get your head straight. You are running the 800 and 1500 tomorrow and I need you to do your best." I nod my head before jogging off to the track to get some more runs in. The distances are easy considering I am constantly training for cross country distance which is over double the distance.

     The hard part is managing a harder pace and knowing when to kick into a new gear without burning out too soon. Training will Melanie did wonders for my running. The distance improved my endurance where the hard terrain trained my body to be able to push more. The biggest difference this year is I don't feel like a runner anymore because of the muscle I gained.

     Last year I was a short and thin distance runner. Now I look more like a walk on wide receiver for the football team. The extra weight makes it harder to step lightly as I run, but it also means I should be able to plant my foot harder for the last push of each run. I plan on using that to my advantage this year.

     My mind drifts back to my restless night thinking about Amber and Zoe. I still feel horrible about what happened between me and Zoe. I also wish that there was some way I could make it better or at least apologize to her. I could do neither because she had blocked every way I had to get in touch with her. She really wanted me gone from her life.

     I had to stop going to our spot in the park because it no longer relaxed me like it used to. Now all it does is bring back memories of her. Like the way she would laugh when I would sneak up behind and take her into my arms. Zoe was a special type of girl.

     She may have been special, but she couldn't break the hold Amber had on me. I had known her most of my life and grew up with her. I even remember getting in trouble for calling her names in elementary school. She had hurt her ankle and walked with a limp for a short time leading me to call her penguin. I could never explain it to her that I said it because I thought it was because she was cute like a penguin instead of meaning it in a negative way.

     A long whistle rips through the air bring all of the runners to a stop. "Alright guys. That's it for today. All of you need to get a good rest tonight and be ready for tomorrow. See the trainer if you need anything and I want to see all of you ready to kick ass tomorrow." The rest of the team race to grab their gear and leave while I make my way towards the cross country trail.

     My feet carry me down the path until I reach the pond just off the course. The whipping wind breaks the glassy water as footsteps crunch behind me. "Why are you sneaking off down here?"  Melanie plops herself down on the long beside me and starts bumping against me so I will answer. 

     "Needed a new place to escape." I drop my drawstring bag to the ground before bumping her in return knocking her off the log. I hold my stomach laughing until her hands grip my shoulders pulling me to the ground with a loud thud. I pluck the stick from my back and glare at her. "Not nice woman."

     Mel sticks her tongue out at me before jumping back onto her seat. "So what do you have planned after finals? Just Christmas with your parents?"

     "I guess so. Mom wants to do our usual dinner and that is it as far as I know." It would be nice relaxing over the holidays. That is if mom doesn't force me to watch a marathon of old movies again.

     "Are you not going to the annual Christmas party at Amber's? You have never missed one of those." I lift my shoulders in a shrug looking back at the water.

     "Not invited so no big deal." I tried to make the lie sound convincing, but I seriously doubt she would fall for it. I finally got to see Amber last week, but after five minutes she had somewhere to be. Amber said we were fine and not to worry about anything that happened at the Halloween party. I still wonder which part she didn't want me to worry about.

     Mel's mouth widens into an "O" before her lips come together forming a tight line. "Oh hell no. You don't need an invitation because you are you." She whips out her phone letting her fingers fly tapping the screen like crazy. "I will fix this problem right now."

     "Mel don't worry about it. It's fine." My phone dings inside my bag and I have to dig it out from under my extra clothes. My eyes turn to her in an annoyed look. "Really? You decided to text Bethany?" Amber's sister was a sweet freshman in high school, but this was not her problem.

     Melanie crosses her arm with a smug smile on her face before pointing at my phone. "Aren't you curious what she has to say?" I contemplate ignoring the text just to annoy her. Groaning in annoyance I lift up my phone to open my messages.

     B- There is no way in hell you are not coming to the party. I swear I will stab you with a heel and drag you there myself if I have to. You're invited :P

     B- Also make sure to wear a red tie with your suit. You can thank me later.

     J- What if I don't want to go?

     B- You don't get a choice. You're coming to the party Jayden. And remember the rule.

     "You suck Mel. Now I have to dress up and you know how much I despise that." She raises her hands in the air in victory. I shake my head while standing up grabbing my bag.

     "You know you love me and now you can buy me food for my work." She gives me a quick hug before leading the way back to the path. I run up behind her bringing my leg up to kick her in the butt. She squeaks out, "Hey! That's my butt!"

     "You won't have a butt when you bankrupt me for buying you food." Melanie gives me a look before rubbing her butt. I smile wickedly walking beside her. "Maybe I should call Alex so he can buy your food."

     "You wouldn't dare!" I hold my phone in my hand waving it in her face before taking off ahead of her.

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