Chapter 28

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     I slip off my shirt throwing it towards my laundry basket then go back to pressing my phone back to my ear. "Sorry, I had to get out of that annoying shirt so repeat what you said." The girl of the other end of the line lets out a long annoyed sigh.

     "You are a total mess Jay. I was asking if you knew about the crush I had on you a few years ago?" Her voice squeaked the second time she said it and it make me chuckle. It was adorable she was still nervous to admit it years later.

     "I knew. It was really sweet and I thought it was insanely cute that you tried to wear the same outfit all the time when I was near your house. You thought it was your lucky shirt because the first time you wore it I ended up giving you a huge bear hug."  It was the truth. I remembered her wearing a long sleeve purple and black striped shirt with blue jeans that had some flowers sewn into it. The thing that make it even cuter was when I hugged her she was freaking out whispering she couldn't believe it was happening. Her face turned beat red when I asked her if she meant to say that out loud.

     "OH MY GOD! Who told you that!? Was it my mother? I'm going to kill her later." I rolled on the bed clutching my stomach laughing like mad. It took me a few moments to gather myself and breath again just as my door opened with Melanie walking in the room. I gave her a silent wave pointing at the phone. "Anyway we all know I am no longer cute. I am hot and you know it too." I roll my eyes at her arrogance.

     "Whatever girly. I got to go Mel is here wanting to talk."

     "Nope Jayden. I am not hanging up until you agree with me. Come on. Say it."

     "Fine. You are hot. Happy now? I will text you later silly girl." I hear her cheering for herself as I hang up turning my attention to Melanie. When she notices me looking at her she lets go of her flowing brown hair moving her hands back in her lap. "So what brings the incredible Mel to my room?"

     Her mouth opens and quickly closes while she narrows her eyes at me. Her soft smile purses into a tight line causing me to feel nervous. Her nostrils flare before she takes a sharp breath. "I honestly don't know what to say to you. I came to ask you something important and here I find you shirtless and on the phone flirting with some girl. You even called her hot with me still in the room, but you don't have the balls to tell Amber how you feel about her."

     I have to snap my mouth shut so I am no longer gaping at her with my mouth open. Anger builds inside me, but quickly fades as I regain my thoughts. "First of all, she is not just some girl. She is a good friend. I only agreed with her because she refused to hang up if I didn't. She is a sweet girl, but I will never date her or see her in that way. As for Amber..." A knot twists in my gut thinking about the other day when I was carrying her. "She made it clear she just wants me to be her friend and if that is what she wants then so be it."

     I watch as her anger falters and fades from her face being replaced with a questionable look. She leans forward on the edge of the bed almost losing balance as she opens her mouth. Before a word escapes her mouth Alex bursts through the door tackling her in a hug. Her words are instantly replaced with squeals of laughter. "Did you ask him yet Mel?" 

     He is leaning over her with his forehead pressed against hers while he is wearing a child like smile. It matches the look on her face as they gaze into each other's eyes. In that moment I can see the sparks between them and the years of tension between them lift. They had feelings for each other for a long time and both of them were too stubborn to admit it.

     The two of them jump when I clear my throat breaking them out of their moment. "Did y'all have something to ask me or should I leave the two of you alone?" Melanie's face flashes pink while Alex lifts himself off of her to look at me.

     "So Amber got permission from parents to use the lake house for spring break. She already invited us and asked Melanie to see if you wanted to join us. What do you think?" Did I really want to spend an entire week in the same house as Amber? The simple answer would be yes, but could I handle it?

     I was already having a tough time handling talking to her now. We were talking again, but my words were carefully chosen. I would spend extra time making sure I said the right words that didn't sound like they would jeopardize my friendship with her. I was afraid that  the wrong words would make it awkward again.

     But, if I refused this offer it would only lead to her questioning why I couldn't go. There was no possible way I could come up with a believable lie to tell Amber. "Yea. I'll go. It sounds like it will be fun." It sounded hollow and it also sounded exactly like I was trying to convince myself. "I'll head out for a bit and let you two have some alone time. Just stay away from my bed."

     I push myself up and find a new clean shirt to put on. I gather my things turning for the door when Melanie speaks up. "Who is she? The friend you are constantly texting and goofing off with." Her voice is quiet, but clear.

     "It isn't anyone new. You already know her." My lips twitch up with a half smile as if this was all a game. She was so worried someone would come in my life and I would just forget about Amber. There is no person on this Earth that could do that. "It's Bethany. She has been talking to me lately. She has been trying to help me lighten up lately. I really think she is just doing it because she feels bad about trying to set me up with Amber at the Christmas party."

     As I make it through the door I call out over my shoulder, "Don't forget to use protection!"

     "JAYDEN!" Alex's voice booms into the hallway as I shut the door laughing and make my way to my truck.

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