Chapter 5

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     I let my fingers drum against the brick wall behind me while listening to the discussion going on inside the classroom. Why did this teacher have to go on about meaningless stuff? I let out a deep grumble wishing he would just shut up. I pull out my phone to check the time. The class should have ended ten minutes ago.

     My head turns the creaking of the old door as students finally start to file out. My eyes meet each one even though I am only looking for one of them. A couple girls flash me a quick smile that I return easily, but I continue to wait against the wall.

     My smile widens when I see fiery red hair whip around the corner as Jessica turns to face me.  I feel her hands slide around my waist when she looks up to me. "Been waiting long?" She tries to make her voice sound so innocent, but I know better. I swing her around so I have her pressed against the wall.

     "Long enough." I lean down and start to brush my lips against hers. She pushes herself up on her tiptoes to push her lips fully into mine. A low whine escapes her as I pull away ending our kiss.

     "You know it is not nice to do that to me. I don't like to be teased then you pull away." She tries her best to transform her face into a pout, but it does not last long after my arm pulls her to my side. Her head leans against my shoulder as I lead up down the hallway. "You know my roommate won't be in tonight so we could just go back to my room tonight." Her teasing smile dances across her face at the thought of it.

     I let the idea bounce around in my head before I slowly shake my head. "I can't. I am going to met Mel for practice." Jessica does a good job at hiding the emotion on her face. She is not able to control her breathing well because I can feel her breaths getting faster.

     "You always practice with her. Can't you just skip practice this one time?" I feel guilt fill my stomach at the sound of her pleading voice. I could do it because I am not required to practice, but deep down I know all it would take is one time and the next time skipping would be easier. Eventually, I would just quit going to practice with Mel and I couldn't be that kind of friend.

     "Sorry. I made a promise. I got to go cutie." I kiss her head and start to jog off to met Melanie. The promise wasn't really a lie because I did promise Mel, but I never said it out loud.

     "Fine. But you better call me later Jay." I hear her groan in frustration as I reach Melanie's side. She only glances at me before looking back at the shrinking form of Jessica.

     "You don't have to practice with me. You could have spent time with your girlfriend." The word sounds weird coming out of her mouth. Actually, the word just sounds weird. I was not dating Jessica, but I didn't know exactly what we were.

     I put my arm around her shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze. "She is not my girlfriend. Plus, I believe today is the day I make you pay for dinner." Her eyes meet mine as I smile to her. "You up for the challenge sparky?" A grin passes across her face as she takes off ahead of me leaving me alone to catch up.


     "Come on Alex. Why do you have to hog all the popcorn?" Mel's whine makes me laugh as I look over to our friend on his bed. He barely looks up at us as he shovels more into his mouth trying to talk. All that comes out of his mouth is garbled sounds and loose popcorn. Melanie holds her ribs as she starts to roll laughing at him.

     I reach over the space between us and snatch the bag from him and lay it in Mel's lap. When she digs in I can not help but chuckle knowing she already ate dinner and she was still hungry.  I only know this because once again I am the one that had to pay for it. I swear this girl will never give me a break.

     "Hey guys. Did you know that they are going to be showing some movies over in the main court yard Friday night? Amber said something about us going together. Maybe even Jessica could come." Movie night at the school sounded cool and terrifying at the same time. Even more terrifying when it would involve Jessica.

     I was still confused when it came to her. She was a sweet girl and a ton of fun to be around. Well she was a lot more than just fun. Her touch was addicting and her kisses were intoxicating. But, her personality was as wild as her red hair.

     It had been a few weeks since I met her at the frat party and I still was lost when it came to her. We had only sat down to just talk a few times and it was always nice. I always felt as if something was missing. I keep wondering if it had anything to do with Amber.

     "DUDE! I just got an amazing idea." Alex jumps from his bed in excitement so I turn my full attention to him. "You could bring Jessica girl to the movie night and totally make Amber jealous." He folds his arms as he sits back down on the bed and by the look he seems like he is waiting for us to acknowledge his wisdom.

     "Do you honestly think she will get jealous on someone Jay is not even officially dating? And what about Jessica? Is she just some random person to use as a stepping stone to Amber?" Melanie's body shakes with anger as she voices her words and then she turns to me. "Jayden. You can't tell me you would actually do that to her."

     I hang my head because I thought for a minute it could be possible, but Melanie is right. There is no was I could do that to Jessica just because my feelings for another person. "No. I won't do it. Maybe I could invite her though so she can really meet with you guys. Also I kind of owe her because I didn't go to her dorm tonight."

     I pull out my phone and try to find Jessica in my contacts. I hope she doesn't mind spending time with friends.

Jay: They are having a movie night for the school Friday night. Would you like to join me and my other friends?

Jess: I would like to meet your friends. Is there anyway we could get some alone time too?

Jay: I am sure we can figure something out babe.


     "Jess is in guys. And Alex don't be an idiot." I take a deep breath in and feel relief when I see Mel give me an approving nod.

     "Wait a minute. When have I ever been an idiot?" An evil smile graces my lips as I turn to Melanie. She is thinking the same thing I am. I wave my hand to her so she can burst his bubble.

     "Maybe when you decided to turn your hair bright purple for a girl." She high fives me as he drops his head in his hands grumbling words we can't hear. I had been holding onto that one for years and it was great to use it against him. I lean back against the wall next to my bed as my thoughts take over. What exactly did I sign up for on Friday?

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