Chapter 13

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     "Hey lover boy!" I spin my head to argue as I watch Amber's frame emerge out of the crowd. I open my arms as she jumps into them while squeezing hers around my neck. "It's good to see you Jayden."

     "First of all, don't call me lover boy. It is far too early to be talking about that with me and Zoe. Second, I am sorry I haven't talked to you much lately." I let her down gently to her feet before reaching back to rub my neck. "I've kind of been busy lately."

     "Busy trying to make Melanie break up with her boyfriend." I stare at her wide eyed in horror. I never told her what was going on or who was helping. I don't even know if she feels the same about that bastard Maxwell. My mouth runs dry as I back pedal away from her.

     I raise my hands creating a barrier between the two of us. Her honey eyes examine my face before flicking towards my hands. "Jayden! What did you do?" My hands are pulled away for her to look over the damage. My knuckles are mix of colors from both the cuts and bruises among them. Her faces displays a new emotion. Fear. "Please tell me you didn't go after Maxwell and fight him."

     I shake my head before placing a hand on her shoulder gripping it slightly. "The only thing I have been fighting is a punching bag." My words do not have the calming effect I had hoped for. "Look, I recently started heading to a gym again. Zoe told me about the gym she used to train at and I caught the itch again."

     An itch. More like a full body rash. I never planned on fighting, but the training helps me relax. After awhile when your hands go numb and the burning in your arms fades it feels like your body melts away. "I'm fine Amber. I am not going to do anything stupid."

     "Don't you lie to me Jayden. I do not like that piece of trash any more than you do, but if you keep this up Melanie will end up hating you. All for what? So she doesn't get her heart broken? She is a grown woman that can make her own decisions. " Her body is shaking with anger and her old smile is replaced with a scowl. "I also know that the gym is where you hide from your problems. You did the same thing when Grace was sick."

     "That's not fair." I try to make my voice sound firm, but it barely comes out as a whisper. "What do you want to know? That I don't have a clue on how to make her see how bad he is for her. Or maybe that I am completely fine with being hated if it means she isn't ruined by him."

     A general heart break didn't worry me. I was worried about her getting in too deep with someone who never really wanted her. Someone like Maxwell who saw it as a game to take a normal girl and watch her fall in love with him just to drop her. I only knew because I overheard that posh prick talking himself up at a party.

     "Jayden. Just  don't. You do not have to be her knight in shining armor anymore. You are not responsible for her." Why the hell was she even telling me this. "She didn't even need you for the panic attack she had a couple days ago. She handled it all by herself."

     "Why didn't she call me? She knows all she needs to do is call me and I will be there."

     "She doesn't want to bother you. She is also keeping her distance so you and Zoe have a chance. She likes Zoe and she doesn't want her to end up like Jessica just because of a panic attack." Amber's voice sounds sincere like she just wants me to understand.

     I stare at her for a long time before I managed to gather my thoughts. "Fine. I will leave Melanie and her boyfriend alone. But, I swear when he hurts her I will make his life a living hell." I clinch my fists tight in the pocket of my hoodie. I need to hit something. "Maybe you should be the one to tell Alex he should stop also. I'll see you around Amber."

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