Chapter 25

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     A sense of accomplishment filled my body with the press of one button. Pressing send on a agonizing five page science paper felt amazing. Honestly, my new teacher wasted no time tormenting the class by assigning the devil of a project only a couple days into the new semester. I can tell that this semester was going to be a major pain in the ass.

     I lean over placing the my laptop on my nightstand before kicking back on my bed. A simple smile reflected back at me from the screen of my phone. My finger flicked the screen unlocking the phone and my hand turned into a blur rapidly replying to meme sent to me. I decided a short reply and Like a Boss meme was the perfect reply to the crying frog.

     The door twists open an instant after I finish my reply and I look up to see Alex and Melanie entering the room holding hands. "Careful Jay. You keep that stupid smile on your face too long and it will get stuck like that." A stone face replaces my smile as I flip off Alex while he flops on his bed pulling Mel with him.

     "So are y'all two actually dating now?" As far as I knew the two of them have been in constant contact since the Christmas party. They both turned to each other sharing a quick look then spin back to me.


     "Yes." Their answers come at the exact same time and they end up staring back at each other. Melanie's face flushes pink and folds her hands into her lap.

     "We are exclusive to each other, but we aren't officially dating." A squeak leaps from her lips as Alex grips her waist sharing a look with her. "Well technically you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend. Anyway, we are taking things slow and trying to figure things out." Her body leans back into his getting settled.

     If someone would have asked me in high school if I thought Alex and Mel would every date I would have laughed in their face. Now I am the single idiot staring at two people that seem happy together. I felt happy for them and also jealous of them at the same time. At least someone could actually escape the friend zone.

     I turn my attention back to my phone to continue my ongoing conversation with my friend. The room is quickly filled with the constant buzz from my phone and my friend's conversation about their new classes. My conversation quickly turns into a pun battle leaving me to stare at my phone with my tongue slightly hanging out. When my attention is completely on my phone a nerf football bounces off my head.

     "Have you not been paying attention to anything we have been saying?" I stare blankly at Melanie shaking my head at her. Her heated glare narrows on me as she releases a long breath. "I was asking if you have an Advil or something."

     "Sure." I spin over to dig through my nightstand. My hands push past the paperback book to close my fingers around the bottle. I pull it out and toss it underhand to Melanie.

     "Was that Chasing Red in your drawer? I love that book! Have you started Always Red yet?" Mel had pulled herself from Alex's arms to lean over to take a look in my nightstand. I slam the drawer shut quickly before retreating back on my bed.

     "Don't know what you are talking about. I'm holding it for a chick in my class." It was a bold lie that would be hard to back up. Her eyes lock onto my phone and I can already figure out her next question. "No. It has nothing to do with the person I am texting."

     She gives me a disappointed look while folding her arms across her chest. "It's funny how you are steady talking to whoever that is, but you ignored your closest friends for over two weeks. Amber is still trying to get a hold on you, but you won't answer her and you manage to vanish whenever she is around."

     The guilt in my gut starts to make me feel sick as I digest her words. "I'm not actively hiding from her. I go to class, practice, and the gym. As far as texting her what should I say. Sorry for trying to make a move while you have a perfect handsome boyfriend that I didn't bother to ask about. Like that would go well. I don't know what to say to her without making things worse."

     "Well if someone would have told her friends that she was in a relationship maybe this whole thing would have been avoided." Alex's words make sense, but it doesn't mean it would have stopped anything. I was in a relationship and almost did this before.

     "Shut up Alex." Mel's voice snaps at her. "If someone would answer his phone maybe she could explain herself. You don't have to say anything to her Jay. You just have to listen." She swats Alex's hands away when he reaches for her.

     I could listen to Amber, but I didn't want to. I was afraid to hear if she really cared for him and I was that close to forcing myself on her. I could still the heat between our bodies from that night. Her ever quickly breaths on my lips and her nails trailing down my toned stomach set me on edge.

     Melanie jumps to her feet marching towards the door before turning back to me. "You are being a coward Jayden. Enough with the bullshit with trying to win her or whatever. Maybe you should take a page out of Alexander's book and just tell her how you feel. Call her so you can meet and listen to what she has to say then you can tell her how much you care for her. Do something Jay." With her last word she whips around throwing open the door and storms out.

     Alex moves to his feet beside me giving me a sad look shrugging at me. "I don't know what you should do. Your history with Amber is a lot longer than mine and Mel's. It could work or not." His eyes turn to the door as he is almost bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Sorry man. I gotta go. She.."

     "Just go Alex. I understand." He jumps to it and takes off racing to catch up. I let out a long breath before turning over on my side bringing my phone to my face. My finger hovers over Amber's name for what feels like forever before I lay my phone down. Melanie was right. I am a coward.


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