Chapter 31

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     I softly groan, "Go away evil ball of fire." I try to tuck my head back into the pillow only to get a face full of hair. Smiling slightly I take in the sweet scent that relaxes my body completely. Whoever is in my arms smells absolutely heavenly. My eyes snap open the moment my sleepy brain makes the connection.

     Amber is curled up with her back pressed against my shirtless chest still asleep. I breath a sigh of relief when I see she is still in her pajamas. I claw at my foggy head trying to remember how I ended up sleeping in the same bed as her and not on the couch in the basement. Finally, I remember having to carry her to bed after drinking far too much. I helped her get ready for bed and even put out clothes for her to change in to. I was dead tired and somehow she convinced me to just stay with her. Not that it was hard to do.

     My body freezes when she makes a small noise and snuggles closer to me. Her body fits perfectly against mine and I take her legs in mine tangling them together. She murmurs quietly, "Comfy." I feel the stupid grin on my face and decide to just close my eyes again so I can stay here just a bit longer.

     Just as I begin to doze off again the door swings open slamming against the wall and a loud voice fills the air, "SISSY! It's time to wake up so we can go... What the hell is this?" My eyes snap open again, but this time they land on Bethany as she peers at us laying together. "Care to share Jayden?" My mouth is completely dry and I can't seem to form words.

     "Go away. He is warm and comfy." Her muffled words make me chuckle as she makes to attempt to move away from me.

     "You promised we could ride jet skis today. You pinky promised." Andrew walks up behind his pleading girlfriend taking in the scene. He gives me the stink eye before mouthing "hypocrite" at me. Amber finally begins to stir against me.

     "Fine. Fine. I'll be up in a minute. There better be coffee when I get downstairs." Bethany claps her hands running for the kitchen and makes sure to scream over her shoulder.

     "Hope you know it works better without clothes!"

     "BETHANY!" Amber roars at her sister that is no longer in the room. Andrew quickly follows her leaving me alone with Amber again. Her hands run through her hair that is still naturally beautiful and does not even flinch when she realizes I am still behind her with our bodies tangled together. She glances over her shoulder and jokes, "I thought I warned you about being shirtless. It's distracting."

     "So is snoring, but I am not complaining." She tries reach over and smacking at me playfully, but I easily catch her.

     "I do not snore!" Even when she raises her voice I can tell she is smiling without even having to look. I have to resist the urge to pull her closer to me because now that she is awake I don't know how she would react. "Jay? Can I have my legs back please?" It takes me a long minute to realize what she is asking.

     I mutter a sorry as I lift my legs releasing her and she hops up gracefully from the bed. Her bare feet tiptoe across the wood floor on her way to the bathroom leaving me all alone. The bed instantly feels so much colder without her beside me so I slink out from under the covers and make my way to the kitchen following the smell of coffee. Coffee always makes things better.

     I take my coffee with cream and sugar then snatch a seat opposite from Alex and Melanie. "Morning guys." I turn up the warm liquid letting it flow down my throat energizing my body.  Amber draws everyone's attention as she takes her place beside me nursing from her own mug of coffee.

     Melanie is the first one to speak. "Sleep well Amber? I told you that Jayden is a better pillow now."

     "Yes. That is the best I have slept in a long time and trust me I know. Good thing you have Alex now so I have exclusive pillow rights." I almost spit out my drink even when I see both the girls sporting a mischievous smile.

     "You know I agree with what Bethany said earlier." We all turn to him waiting for his explanation. "Sleeping is far better without clothes. Right babe?" He slings her arm around Melanie just as her face flushes red. The entire table erupts laughing except Mel as she glares at her boyfriend.

     "You know. Maybe we should give that box of condoms to Amber and Jay since you won't be needing them this trip." Alex's mouth is left hanging open as the rest of us start howling  in laughter. I clutch my stomach embracing the pain and when I lean back I slam into the ground. Amber rushes to my side and when I look to her face I see it is just as red as Melanie's was a moment ago.

     She helps me back up to my seat and then goes back to hiding her face from me by going back to her coffee. Turning back to Alex I tease, "You see how much of a bad influence you have been on Mel. Now it only hurts you."  Andrew and Bethany enter the room just as I manage to finish my coffee.

     They are already dress in their swim gear staring at all of us. "Now that all of you are done making jokes. It's time to go." We all agree and scatter to get dressed. I change quickly and rush to meet Andrew and Bethany on the dock. Slowly Alex and Melanie drift down the walkway and claim their jet ski.

     I hop down claiming my own and make sure my life jacket is tight just as the jet ski sinks with extra weight. I look down to see feminine hands already wrapping around my waist as the two couples take off without us. It had totally slipped my mind that Amber would spend half the day with her arms wrapped around me. I just hope she can't feel how fast my heart beats every time she touches me.

     "You know they are going to want to race us right? It means I will have to go extra fast and do some crazy stuff." I warn her thinking maybe she will want me to take it easy. At first I only feel her breath on my neck and then her body presses against mine while her chin rests on my shoulder.

    "That just means I will have to hold you tighter." I feel her hands slide around my abs gripping them. I have to close my eyes and take several deep breaths. Now it not the time to be daydreaming about her hands on my. Her voice yanks me out of my head. "It's just me and you okay."

     "That's right. Me and you." I sit up straight and take off at full speed with her holding on tight to me.

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