Chapter 8

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     The door opens and swings wildly close as Alex makes his way into the room. He kicks off her shoes and jumps face first onto his bed with a loud plop. When he decides to roll over facing me he has a smile on his face spreading from ear to ear. Well at least someone is in a good mood.

     I look back down at my books while my study playlist drowns out the noise around me. I start to lose myself in the music and the annoying chemistry homework in front of me when I feel a nerf football hit me in the shoulder. I turn my glare towards him as I pull my headphones away from my ears. "Can I help you Alex?"

     "Oh come on Jay. You are no fun sitting in the room doing school work all the time. You need a girl. Someone better than that red head at least." I groan listening to him. I am not in the mood to be having this conversation.

     "Unfortunately, I did not come to college just for fun. It's just another step in my life I want to be over with." I turn my head back to my books hoping to be done with dealing with Alex.

     "Dude. Lighten up. You should be more like me. The reason I haven't been around isn't because of parties. It's because a girl. I have been spending a lot of time with just one special person."

     "Melanie. You have been sneaking off to see Mel." His happy smile has dropped from his face as he stares at me in shock.

     "How did you.... Jay it's not what you think." I hold my hand up stopping his words and my phone starts to ring. I look down at the caller ID to see Amber's picture so I answer it.

     "Jay I need you to meet me in the park" Her voice doesn't have the same sweet tone it usually has. I feel panic start to settle in my stomach.

     "Amber? Are you ok?"

     "I'm fine. You just need to get here as soon as possible." The call ends as soon as she stops speaking. What did she get herself into? I start to pull myself off of my bed pulling on my shoes quickly. I make my way to the door before looking back at Alex.

     "Look, I don't want any details about you and Mel. I don't know why she has choose to keep it a secret from me and Amber. That is her choice, but I swear if you hurt her I will come after you. Friend or not." My voice is not loud, but it is low and sure. I turn around leaving the room letting the door shut on it's own as I make my way to my truck.


     I pull out my phone again trying to text Amber for the tenth time. She never ignores me this much.

     Where are you? I've been looking for you for almost a half hour.

     Sorry Jay. I'm not there. Try not to be mad at me. You can thank me later. Love ya.

     Try not to be mad? Why isn't she here and what has she done now? I put my phone away as I run my fingers through my dirty blonde hair looking around the park. The park is slowly starting to empty as the sun begins to set. I look once more towards the setting sun to see a figure heading in my direction. The bright light makes it difficult to make out the details of the person besides long flowing hair.

     As the figure gets closer her appearance becomes clearer. The girl walking towards me has long legs and is absolutely gorgeous. I let out a soft groan realizing what Amber has done, but I can't keep myself from staring. I chuckle seeing why Amber picked this girl.

     She walked with confidence and grace towards me getting ever closer. Her golden blonde hair fell softly down her shoulders. I try to watch the way she moves and keep getting hung up on her eyes. Her bright emerald eyes shine when she smiles at me. "You must be Jayden. Amber has told me a lot about you." Her voice is seems to flow like silk. "I am Amber's friend. My name is Zoe Baker."

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