Takaoka episode

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After E-class finished P.E., a new teacher came along. His name: Akira Takaoka. He was sweet and cheerful, Karasuma-sensei's opposite. You all liked him and he liked all of you.
Your boyfriend Karma wasn't here but you were to not worried because you know how he is, just skipping classes because he finds them boring. What a role model, huh? Anyways... as the lesson starts, Takaoka gives a new schedule: ten periods of training until 9:00pm. "What?! This is so unfair!" Maria shouts "First off, this is school, whe have to think of our grades too, I mean, come on! We can't go by this! When are we suppost to stu--" continues Maria, but does not finish the sentence because Takaoka knees her in the stomach! The hole class was terrified.
After that he gives the hole class a set of 3.ooo squats "Sensei please! I can't take this anymore!!" Maria shouts out of exhaustion "Be careful, girly, disrespecting daddy makes very angry!!" Takaoka shout while trying to punch Maria "That's enough. If you hurt these kids, they will have to answer to me" says Karasuma while stopping his punch "Ah... there it is! I was wondering when you were going to throw in your chips in, old buddy" says Takaoka "What's the big deal? Who are you to criticize the way that I teach? If this is something that you and me have to settle like men, then I am up for the challenge. Just remember, we're teacher first. Here's what I propose: you pick one of your students that you trained by your lessons to go against me... if the student wins, I will pack up and leave. But we won't be using the rubber knifes... we will be using the real one!" Takaoka says 'Is he nuts?! What is he thinking?!' Thinks Maria to herself "This is ridiculous! These kids are not ready to take down a real human and you know it!" shouts Karasuma "They are not going to kill, just come close. Pick yourself a champion or just give up and leave!" continues Takaoka "Nagisa, you're up" says Karasuma
'Oh my god...' Maria thinks to herself while in shock.

After E-class finished P.E., a new teacher came along. His name: Akira Takaoka. He was sweet and cheerful, Karasuma-sensei's opposite. The class liked him, but Maria did not. It seemed to her that that attitude of his was all just an act. As he pulls out sweets, the whole class begins to eat, except Maria.
"Hey, girl. Why aren't you eating? Don't you want some cake?" Takaoka asks me "I have diabetes, sensei, so I can't eat them" i answer him, acting innocent and sweet "You have diabetes? And you didn't tell me?" asks Nagisa. I don't answer him and stomp on his foot, hurting him. I smile at him with my eyes closed.
I understood that something was up and that Maria didn't what to tell me, so I decided to take her away from the class and demand an explanation "Maria, what are you doing? You don't have diabetes. Why did you lie?" I say to her "Don't worry, Nagisa. I've got this" she answers me while looking in my eyes and with a crazy smirk on her face. 'What happend to her? She looks crazy!' I though to my self "M-Maria? W-what h-h-happend to you?" I stutter while baking up away from her.
I noticed Maria and Nagisa talking. Nagisa looked scared while Maria was standing there and looking at him 'What's going on?' I thought while walking up to them "Nagisa, is everyth--" I did not finish the sentence because Maria turned around and looked at me in the eyes "Maria? A-are you o-ok?" I ask, surprised by her appearance. She smirked and walked away from us.
"Ok class! Time for our lesson to start! Everybody here!" Takaoka-sensei shouts 'They don't know what I'm up to... and I will never tell them... how about I show them what I want to do... Ehehehehehe' I though to my self, slowly losing some of my sanity "Hey, you okay Maria?" Asks Kayano. I snap my head towards her and look at her. She gasps in surprise and sits far away from me.
"3.000 squats? This is seriously not funny" says Okajima "Mister Karasuma, please!" Hayami shouts "Watch it, dollface. Karasuma ain't part of our family anymore. Disrespecting daddy makes him very angry!" Takaoka shout while trying to punch Hayami 'Perfect...' I thought, while pushing Hayami behind me and stopping his punch. The class gasps in surprise while Takaoka-sensei looks at me
'What the hell?! How did she stop my punch?!' I thought to my self, but enable to respond at her block because she continues by punching me in the face, making my nose bleed.
'Ehehehehehehe' I giggle in my head, loosing more of my sanity "Did you really think that I'm scared of you, sensei? If you hurt any more of my friends, you will not come out of this class alive. Ehehehehehehe" I say, losing more and more sanity
I gasp in shock and get up "D-do you r-r-really t-think that y-you scare me, l-little g-girl?" I stutter afraid for my life 'Why am I scared?! I've been trought worse! What is happening?!' I thought to my self "Aw~ don't give up so soon, sensei..." she says pulling out two knifes "I'm just getting started!" she yells
As Maria pulls out the knifes, she charges to attack Takaoka and hits him in the shoulder "You are pathetic, look at you... getting scared by a girl like me?~ Come one, sensei, dance with me!!" Maria says, completley insane
"Stop it, Maria!" shouts Karasuma running up to her attempting to stop her, only to be cut on the arm " I won't stop unti--" not finishing her sentence, Maria gets kissed by Nagisa. She drops the knifes on the ground and kisses him back, returning to her senses. After they breack the kiss, Maria passes out
"Ugh... what happend? Where am I?" Maria says waking up "Maria woke up!" Kayano shouts while the hole class backs away from her, except for Nagisa "Are you sain?" Nagisa asks her. She nods and says "I'm sorry everyone. I lost my cool" Maria apologizes "Your cool?! You lost you mind!!" Maehara shouts are her "I tried to control myself, but I snapped. I'm sorry if scared you all. Nagisa, if you what to break up with me, I get it..." Maria continues "Why would I break up with you? Crazy or not, I love you" Nagisa answers her "I should punish you for this, Maria, but now I'm scared of you..." Karasuma says. The whole class laughs in reaction.

The same as Karma (don't know what to do with him, sorry)

After E-class finished P.E., a new teacher came along. His name: Akira Takaoka. Maria and Karasuma knew him because he was from the ministry of defence, just like them.
'Akira Takaoka...' I thought to my self "Hello Takaoka, long time no see. I'm Maria Aishi, don't know if you remember me" Maria says to him "Of course I remember you~ How could I forget a woman as beautiful as you?~~" he flirts with her. I twitch, grab Maria and go inside "Okay?" She says. I say nothing and go into the faculty room with her
As the lesson starts, Takaoka gives the student a new schedule: ten periods of training until 9:00pm. "Wait, hold up, hold up. First off, this is school, whe have to think of our grades too, I mean, come on! We can't go by this! When are we suppost to stu--" says Maehara, but does not finish the sentence because Takaoka knees him in the stomach! The hole class was terrified. "Why did you do that?! You can't come in my class and injure my students!" Maria shouts at him "You may be beautiful, but I'm still you sensei, Maria, don't you dare talk to me in that tone!!" Takaoka shouts and slaps Maria, pushing on the ground "Maria!!" Karasuma shouts while running to her "I'm okay, don't worry Tadaomi" Maria reassures him.
"Takaoka-sensei, I don't think this is a good idea. How about you teach the guys and I teach the girls, like always? That may be better..." Maria says "I'm your sensei and I decide how to proceed with the lesson. All you have to do is follow my orders and be quiet or I'll punish you" Takaoka threatens her "Y-yes sensei" Maria says "Maria-sensei please! I can't take this anymore!" Hayami says, falling on her knees "Hayami..." Maria says, walking up to her "You are pathetic, Maria" Takaoka says "Do you really think that you will earn your students respect by caring about them? Hahahahaha!" Takaoka laughs "At least I care and love every single one of them, unlike you. You just care about yourself and no one else because you're a selfish bastard!!" Shouts Maria at him "Maria-sensei..." says Hayami "You do have a some balls, now do you?!" Takaoka shouts at her and punches her in the stomach. Maria stumbles backwords and coughs out blood "I warned you, Maria!" Takaoka shouts and tries to punch her, but gets stopped by Karasuma "If you hurt her, you will have to deal with me" Karasuma continues "Maria-sensei! Are you okay?!" Some students shout while helping her up "I-I'll survive, don't worry" Maria answeres them
"Very good, Nagisa. You passed our expectations" Maria says to him "Thank you, sensei" Nagisa answers "Now get inside and patch up, you can have free time for the rest of the day, since you've been through a lot and you all kind of deserve it" Maria says "Thank you Maria-sensei!" All of the students say. As the students run inside the class, Maria and Karasuma stay in the garden "I'm sorry you've had to go through that Maria" says Karasuma "It's okay, Tadaomi. It's better me that them. The students are safe and that's all that matters" Maria answeres "You really are something, huh?" Karasuma says "But I'm your something~" Maria says "Way to ruin the moment, Maria..." Irina says, popping out of nowhere. You all burst out laughing "I love you Tadaomi" says Maria "Love you too" says Karasuma and kisses her "I'll give you two privacy~" says Irina and leaves. You both pull away and blush.

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