They try to kill Koro-sensei

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Well, he usually manage to at least make some damage, but this time, let's just say that it was... embarrassing for him but amazing for you. It's a school day and home economics time. You're with Fuwa, helping her with her soup "Hm... I think it needs something else..." she says as she stirs it "Like?" you ask her looking at the soup "Dunno... this is so not my thing" she says with a sigh. You sigh as well "Why don't you do it again girls?" Karma says as he walks to the both of you. You raise a brow at him and he slams his hand on the table near the pot containing the soup, cousing it to fly everywhere. You bring your arms to your face in an 'X' form, in order to prevent for it to burn your face and close your eyes. You open them again after a couple of seconds and uncross your arms, only to find Karma in a pink apron, accompanied by a beautiful girly hat "We use an apron in home ec., Karma" Koro-sensei says holding the pot of soup "I picked the soup up with an eyedropper, and added some sugar to it" he says and hands you and Fuwa spoons. You both dip the spoon in the soup and try it "Thatjust what it needed!" Fuwa says with a gasp. You taste it as well and nod "Want to try it Kar?" you say trying to hold back your laugh and point your spoon towards him. He blushes and takes off the hat and looks away from you "Cute..." you hear Okajima say. You put a hand on your mouth to hide your laugh, trying to keep it silent
For the whole day your boyfriend tried to kill Koro-sensei, but failed. Sure he tried his best, but you couldn't help but recall his attempt in home economics. You smiled-laughed remembering it and looked at Karma, who just blushed and looked away embarrassed.

Nagisa tried to kill Koro-sensei with a knife at first, but ended up by himself almost dying. It's class time and Koro-sensei just explained the exercise you all have to do and hands peace of paper. He goes to his seat and sits down looking at the class with a pink face. You smirk crazily and tap on your boyfriends shoulder "Hey baby, pink means that he's sleepy, I'll go for it" you whisper to him and take a knife out and look at Koro-sensei with crazy eyes and smirk. Before you could get up, Nagisa grabs your wrist and looks at you. You look at him curiously "What's wrong?"you whisper. He says nothing and gets up, holding the paper in the other hand. You sit down and smirk, knowing that he'll to kill him. You put the knife away and put a hand under your chin, awaiting for the show. Nagisa walks to Koro-sensei, now al the attention on him. Nagisa stop in front of Koro-sensei and takes out a knife and aims it at him. He uses his tentacle and stop Nagisa from harming him "Now Nagisa, what did I say about 'Thinking outside of the box'?" Koro-sensei scolds him and uses a tissue to take the knife away from him 'I'm sorry Maria... Koro-sensei...' Nagisa thought and troughs himself on Koro-sensei to hug him. You make a confused look. Koro-sensei sweats once he sees a bomb around his neck. Terasaka smirks and takes out a remote and activates the bomb, making it explode. Your eyes widen and you look down, your hands resting on your legs 'Nagisa... Terasaka...' you thought, your sanity completely gone 'Nagisa's dead... and so will Terasaka be...' you continue thinking, looking up "Yeah! We're gonna be rich!!" Terasaka shouts and shoots up from his chair, along with Yoshida and Muramatsu. They run to Koro-sensei and Nagisa with smirks on their faces, the class shooting daggers at them "Terasaka! Why did you make Nagisa do that?!" Kayano shouts at him "Excuse me, did you have a better idea?" he answers bluntly. At this point, you completely lost it, but you stay in your seat, shaking with anger and with crazy eyes and smirk. The class exchange looks at Terasaka bends down to Koro-sensei and Nagisa "Besides, it's not like it actually could kill anyone" he says still with the smirk on his face. He looks at Nagisa and sees a yellow mold over him "What the hell is this? Glue?" he says touching it "It's my skin. I change it every month and it works like a shield" Koro-sensei says, his face turning pitch black. You get up and walk to Nagisa and help him out of the skin. You put an arm around his shoulder and look at Koro-sensei, still in your current state "Terasaka, Yoshida, Muramatsu..." Koro-sensei says looking at them. They all shake in fear "This was your doing, wasn't it?!" he asks pissed. Your expression changes to surprise but your sanity still remains very very low "U-us? It was all Nagisa!" Terasaka says in a shaky voice. Koro-sensei runs out of the classroom and comes back a couple if seconds later with all the nameplates of the classes house "Here's the deal, kiddos... the deal that I have with the government forbids me from harming you... but, there's a catch... if you pull another irresponsible stunt like this again... there's nothing that says I can't harm someone else..." Koro-sensei says pissed and pulls out an the nameplates of the houses. You smirk again and Nagisa pulls you close to him "Family, friends... everyone in the world if I feel like it..." he continues 'He can't harm us... but I will... If it wasn't for him... Nagisa would be dead... I would have lost him... I can't let that happen again... they will... pay... I might not be saint... but I will make. them. pray. ....' you thought, your eyes for crazy to dark, but still with your crazy smirk "G-go ahead! Threaten us! I'm not scared of a fricken squid! Say whatever you want we're just defending ourselves! You're really calling us irresponsible for trying to kill you?!" Terasaka shouts in a shaky voice and points his finger at him. Your smirks grows "Of course not! I'm not calling you irresponsible for trying to kill me, no, no, no! As a matter of fact Nagisa here gets full marks for technique! His composer was simply outstanding!"Koro-sensei says, his face from black to red. You look at Nagisa with a slight smile, hiding your smirk "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" you ask worriedly, hiding your insane state "I'm okay, thanks to Koro-sensei" he says with a smile while you eye him fir any possible injuries. He takes your chin and kisses you on the forehead "I'm okay, don't worry" he says with a reassuring smile. You sigh and look at Terasaka, Yoshida and Muramatsu with crazy eyes and a smirk. You let go of Nagisa and stand up and walk to Koro-sensei "Hey Koro-sensei, you said that you can't harns them, right?" you ask him and look at him, you're crazy eyes visible to him. He sweats and nods, his face turning back to normal. You walk to Terasaka and the other two and take out a knife, the same one you used with Takaoka, but this just one. They all step away from you and you stop walking "Allow me then..." you say in a dark voice and look at them with crazy eyes. They all scream in fear and shake furiously "Now, now Maria... y-you don't want to have trouble with the ministry or with the police, now do you?" Koro-sensei says and puts a tentacle on your shoulder, slightly shaking. You look up at him "Please... do you really think that I already didn't?" you ask him and raise a brow. He shrieks and you smirk "I'll make sure they get what they deserve!" you say and point the knife at them, still with the crazy smirk on your face. They all open the classroom door and run out screaming and crying in fear "O no y'don't" you say and remove the tentacle fro your shoulder and run after them "N-no Maria wait!" Nagisa shouts and stands up and runs after you. Let's just say that it was... interesting... 😅👍.

You and Chiba would usually try to kill him together, but failed anyway (have no idea what to do for him, bear with me please😓😂)

This poor guy's too busy to ever try honestly... (don't even know if he actually tries to do it, so bear with me on this one too... 😓😓)

Taiga tried to kill him with Maehara and Isogai and naturally failed. It's science class and as Koro-sensei explains what to do, Taiga, Maehara and Isogai ran after him and tried to kill him, you listening to what Koro-sensei's saying and looking at the stuff in front of you "Do they really think that it's going to work?" Kirara whispers to you. You shrug with a slight smile on your face "I mean, at least they try, that's all that matters to me" you whisper back. She gives her usual bored expression and returns back to listen to Koro-sensei. You do the same and see they poor guys panting on the floor "How are you so fast?" Taiga asks between pants. You let out a small laugh and smile 'Yup, that's all that matters' you thought "God... I'm dying..." Maehara says panting. You sweatdrop and look at Kirara who let out a small laugh.

Sugino tried to kill him by putting some anti sensei BBs on a baseball. It's a school day and lunch time and you and your boyfriend are outside, Jim practicing his pitches and you with a baseball glove, trying to catch his fast pitches. He throws one very fast and you try to catch it, but it ends up near the faculty room window "Nice one love! Very fast! Keep it up!" you praise him with a smile. He blushes a little and you run to get the ball. As you do that, you see Koro-sensei there, looking out the window "Ciao Koro-sensei! What are you doing?" you greet him, your Italian accent making his smile grow wider "Nothing, just looking at the both of you playing" he says and looks at you "Y'know we're not kids, right? We don't need a babysitter to watch after us" you say to him and bend down to get ball in front of you "Well is it wrong for a teacher to watch after their students?" he says with a light blue face, acting hurt. You sigh and roll your eyes with a small laugh "Well, sorry but I know you're just doing it to hope to get a peek of under my skirt, pervertito" (perverted) you say and point your finger at him. His face turns pink with a small blush and he puts his tentacles up "O-of course not! W-what would make you think that?" he says sweating. You sigh "Well, have to go. It was nice to talk to you Koro-sensei, ciao!" you say and run off with the ball in your hands "Sorry I took so long, just chatted with the octopus" you say with a smile as you REACH Sugino. He smiles and you throw the ball at him. He catches it and pitches it again, this time you catch it "Very good!" you cheer with a smile. You look back at Koro-sensei and then at the baseball and smirk. You rush to Sugino "Hey, I got an idea" you say to him. He raises a brow and you take out the ball with BBs attached to it "No, my pitch is too slow, I'll never manage to kill him" he says disappointed "Well, I tried before and I failed, besides, you're really fast" you say to him with a smile. He sigh and makes a disappointed face. You take his hand and put the ball in it. He looks at his hands and then at you. You smile at him "Trust me, even if you don't manage you'll still be my number one" you say to him. He blushes a little and you kiss him on the cheek. He stares at you and you wink at him and look at Koro-sensei and then back at him. He nods with a smile and runs to him with the baseball that you gave him. You smile and put both hands on your hips, watching him throwing the BB ball at Koro-sensei.

Same as Taiga (think is the only time that he tried, bare with me plzzzz!!😓😓😭👍)

No E-class related stuff regarding him, I don't think he knows about Koro-sensei

(A/N:Soooo sorry! This chapter is short because I had no idea what to do with them! I promise my next chapters will be longer and better

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