They turn Neko

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Karma would actually be embarrased about it... why you may ask? Well, because he looks cute, too cute. It's in the morning before class and you and Karma are cuddling in bed, 10 minutes before the alarm goes off. You flutter your eyes open and find yourself in Karmas arms, your face buried in his chest. You smile and close your eyes, taking in his scent. You raise a brow once you feel something weird brushing on your legs 'Huh?' you thought. You open your eyes and look down under the covers and, since there's a little but of light in the room, you see a tail. You eyes widen and you sigh "Not you too..." you whisper. You put a hand on his head and feel something fluffy on it, ears, as you maybe guessed. You play with them for a little while and, at some point, the alarm goes off "Nya!!" Karma says startled. He jumps and falls off the bed, you on top of him "What the hell Kar!" you say and lift yourself up in a sitting position "Good morning..." he says sleepy. You sigh and roll your eyes "How do you feel?" you ask narrowing your eyes. He raises a brow "Like I want fish" he answers bluntly. You sweatdrop "You're a Neko" you say getting straight to the point. He takes a moment to process what you just said "What?!" he shouts "Yes, a Neko" you repeat. He pops a vein " But you're so cute!!" you say sweetly and through yourself on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He laughs and rests his hands on your waist "Okay tiger, we have to go to school" he say laughing a bit. You pout "But I want to play!" you whine. He smirks "Play, huh?~" he says. You smirk back, getting his message "I'll give you something to play with~~" he continues, his smirk growing. Your smirk grows as well, but, instead of you letting his through you on the bed, you take both of his hands, put the above his head and reach for his Neko ear. You nibble it, making him tens up. You smirk, feeling him tens "I'll be the one giving you something to play with baby~~~" you blow into his ear😏😏😏
The next morning when you wake up, you find Karma awake back to normal, his ears and tail gone "Look who's back to normal" you say and rub one of your eyes. Karma smiles at you "Morning Mary, I had fun last night~ didn't know you where so dominant~~" he says smirking. You smirk back and kiss him on the cheek.

Nagisa would be a blushing mess and uncomfortable with all the attention he gets, from both you and his classmates. It's in the morning before class and you and Nagisa are cuddling in bed and sleeping, untill the alarm goes off. Nagisa wakes up and turns it off while you still sleep "Maria, honey, wake up" he says yawning. You groan and lift yourself up from the bed and look at him "Morning Mary" he says with a smile. You smile back and yawn "Morning" you answer him stretching. He chuckles and gets up from the bed. As he does that, you feel something brush you on your torso. You furrow your eyebrows and look at Nagisa. Your eyes widen 'Is that a...' you thought, but your expression changes into a smirk 'That means he has those teeth...' you thought again "M-Maria!!" you hear a panicky Nagisa from the bathroom. You get snapped out of your thoughts and rush to him "Yeah baby?" you ask with a slight smirk. He turns to you sweating "W-why am I a Neko?!" he shouts worriedly at you. You sigh "Dunno, maybe Karma knows something about this... you know how he is..." you say calmly. He sigh shackingly "Hey, relax, it's gonna be okay" you reassure him "Really?" he says and turns to you, his eyes watery and with a small pout. You gasp and put a hand on your mouth 'O my God I'm gonna die from his cuteness if I do nothing about this!!' you thought blushing. Nagisa turns away from you and crosses his arms. You sigh "Let's just get ready and go to school. I'll kill Karma for this" you say 'Yeah, more like thank him' you thought smiling. Nagisa sweatdrops at what you said "Y-y'know, you don't have to..." he says smiling nervously. You sigh and shrug "Let's just go to school" you say. He nods. You walk out of the bathroom and to the bedroom. Nagisa closes the bathroom door and gets ready, along with you in the bedroom. As he comes out, you give him one of your hoodies and, since you like black a lot, you gave him one of your black hoodies "It's big, so it will hide also your tail" you say as you hand it to him. He sighs nervously and takes it, putting it on and zipping it, under it his uniform "Thank you" he says. You smile "Relax baby, it's gonna be okay. Besides, you look adorable like this" you say awing. He blushes
As you both reach the class door, Nagisa walks behind you. You turn around and look at him "Hey, relax, it's gonna be okay" you reassure him smiling, putting your hands on his shoulders. He sighs nervously "It's gonna be a trainwreck" he whines. You sigh "No it's not" you answer smiling. He sighs and you turn around and open the door. You walk in with Nagisa behind you. As you both walk in, you find the class, even Koro-sensei, crowded around Karmas desk "Huh?" Nagisa says looking over your shoulder "What's going on?" you wonder out loud "How did this happen?!" "Please tell me you're the only one with this..." some say "What happen?" you ask as you, along with Nagisa, join the class around Karmas desk. Both your eyes widen "What?!" you and Nagisa say in unison "You're a Neko to?!" you and Nagisa say in unison "Yeah, apparently my prank backfired" Karma explains touching his ears on the top of his head 'What the hell how does he look cute?!' you thought while looking at him touching his ears. You turn to Nagisa and see that he does the same 'No, no, no, in gonna die in this class today...' you thought again blushing a bit " Okay, so... now what?" Kurahashi asks looking at the two boys. You sigh and Karma shrugs "I don't know... guess we're stuck like this" he says "What do you mean stuck like this?! I don't want to be a Neko for all my life!!" Nagisa cries sweating. You sigh "I'm sorry Karma you're saying that you don't have an antidote for this?" you say annoyed. He shakes his head. You pop a vein "Okuda, pease tell me you know stuff..." you say always annoyed. She nods "Y-yeah, I do. I can make an antidote today and give it to the two of them. I-it will take time for it to activate, but you will turn back to normal, I can assure you both" she continues. You smirk 'What if... I make Magisa jealous? Wonder what will happen?' you thought "Hey Karma" you say, attracting his attention "Hum?" he answers "Can I pet you?" you ask smiling, hiding your devilish smirk. Nagisa pouts and Karma smirks, getting the message, like he read your mind "Sure" he answers walking close to you. He bends down and you put your hand on his head, between his ears. He purrs while Nagisa pouts crossing his arms 'Why him? I'm a Neko too...' he thought getting jealous "Y'know I could never have imagined that you could be so docile" you say to him smiling. He smiles sweetly ("sweetly"). Nagisa huffs 'Not fair' he thought. You glance at him and see his pout. You smirk and look at Karma and wink at him. He smirks too and purrs louder. The class sweatdrops and Nagisa pops a vein "Okay class, time for the lesson to start!" Koro-sensei says making the class groan "So unfair, I'm a Neko too..." Nagisa complains whispering. Kayano, next to him, heard him and sweatdrops 'Just... how oblivious can he be?' she thought
As lunch starts, Nagisa walks up to you outside, who is playing with Karma, the both of you sitting on the floor under a tree "Maria..." he says annoyed looking down at you "Hum?" you say without looking at him, still staring at Karmas ears. He huffs and sits next to you, nudging your arm with his head "Pet me" he demands "But Nagisa, Maria's playing with me" Karma whines with a smirk "No! She paid attention to you all morning! Now it's my turn!" he shouts at him, jealousy clear in his voice. You sigh "Okay, okay, you win baby" you say smiling and kiss him on the forehead. You stop petting Karma and start playing with your boyfriend. Karma smirks "Mission accomplished" he says to you. You smirk and high-five him with your free hand. Nagisa dosen't care about your little conversation and kisses you, his tail brushing your body "I got you so jealous~" you tease and stop petting him. He blushes and grabs your hand putting it between his ears "Just pet me, I felt ignored" he whines "Yeah, jealous" you say once again smirking. As the day goes on, Okuda gives the two boys the antidote, making them come back to normal.

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