Baseball time

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You're walking with Sugino, Nagisa and your boyfriend to school "The crappy weather is finally over!" Sugino says and puts his hands behind his head "It's gonna get hot soon" Nagisa comments "Let's start spending more time outside" Sugino says with a smile "Sounds like a plan" you answer with a smile "What about fishing?" Karma suggests "Yeah, would love to see you in a fishing hat" you comment and giggle. Karma pops a vein and the other two laugh "Seriously though, let's do something!" Sugino whines "How about the beach?~" Karma suggests with a smirk. You blush and look away. As you all walk, Sugino stops and looks at the baseball game that was going on in the field. As the captain does a picht as fast as he can, you look in awe 'Nice one!' you thought "Hey, look who it is! Long time no see Sugino" the captain says. You, Karma and Nagisa look at him as he talks with the team "You have no idea how jealous we are of you, man! You get to goof off all day while we have to hit the books!" one says. You look at Karma in a worried expression. He looks back at you and goes towards Sugino "Humility much? Sounds like someone thinks that they're one of the chosen ones" Karma comments. You look at the team with a sad expression, avoiding their gaze. Karma, noticing this, takes your hand and holds it. You look at him and see that he's smiling. You smile back at him "I am. You don't belive me? Come and watch us at the game and you'll se that I'm right. That's just the way things are, I don't make the rules~" the captain teases. You glare and tighten your grip on Karmas hand. He smirks at you
"A class baseball tournament, hey? A healthy body says healthy mind!" Koro-sensei says and he looks at the tournament branched "But E-class isn't on this..." Koro-sensei says sweating "As expected..." you say to yourself and sigh "They keep us out every year to keep things nice and even. We get to play the exhibition game at the end so..." Mimura explains "Exhibition game? What's that?" you question "You get split up by gender, the girls basketball team and the boys baseball team" Mimura explains to you "So it's not a consolation prize, is it?" you sweatdrop "Nope" Karma says. You sigh once again and look at him
"I can't believe we lost" you say with a sigh "Well, let's hope the boys are doing better than us" Kataoka comments "It's my fault! I dragged the whole team down..." says Kayano "We kinda all sucked" you reassure her with a sweatdrop "It's just that they had huge giggly boobs!" she complains "What's your deal with huge boobs?!" shouts Okano. You all laugh. As the game goes on for a while, you notice that something isn't right "Is that even allowed?" you ask as the school baseball team uses the same strategy that your class used "Wait... what are Karma and Isogai doing?" Kayano points out as the two boys move close to the batter witches the captain. You get worried since they're really close to him 'If he swings it can easily kill them! I hope he knows what he's doing...' you thought and sweatdrop. As he swings, you close your eyes, not wanting to see your boyfriend being killed. You open your eyes hearing the announcer say that E-class won. You look surprised and smile, seeing your boyfriend safe and sound. Karma looks at you and smirks, seeing you smile 'Well, he is Karma... what can happen to him' you thought, your smile growing.

You're walking with Sugino, Nagisa and Karma to school, you looking at your phone "The crappy weather is finally over!" Sugino says and puts his hands behind his head "It's gonna get hot soon" Nagisa comments looking at you "Let's start spending more time outside" Sugino says with a smile "I'm gane" Nagisa continues looking back at the guys "How about fishing?" Karma suggests with a smile. You roll your eyes and go back to your phone "Na, boring. Something else!" Sugino whines "The beach?" you suggest not looking away from your phone. Nagisa blushes imagining you in a bikini. Karma and Sugino smirk looking at Nagisa blushing. You at Nagisa and sees that's he's blushing "What?" you question. His blush intensifies as you look at him. You smirk at him and look at the boys "You little perv~~" you tease him. Nagisa blushes immensely and you all laugh at him. You stop laughing and kiss him on the head, behing taller than him. He buries his face in his hands and the boys laugh harder. You all continue walking and Sugino stops and looks at the baseball game that was going on in the field. After the captain does a pitch as fast as he can, he notices Sugino looking at him "Hey, look who it is! Long time no see Sugino" the captain says. You look up from your phone and look at Sugino who's talking with the team "You have no idea how jealous we are of you, man! You get to goof off all day while we have to hit the books!" one says. That frase attracted your attention. You tighten the grip on your phone and glare. Nagisa looks at you with a worried expression. You turn off your phone and walk to them "Wow~ mature much? If I were you I would watch my mouth honey" you say with a crazy smirk and put a hand on the iron net. The captain turns to you "What can you possibly do little girl?~" he says and puts his face close to the net "Bragging much?~ Looks like you think you're the chosen one" you continue "I am. You don't belive me? Come and watch us at the game and you'll se that I'm right. That's just the way things are, I don't make the rules~" the captain teases. You glare at him and he smirks
"A class baseball tournament, hey? A healthy body says healthy mind!" Koro-sensei says and he looks at the tournament branched "But E-class isn't on this..." Koro-sensei says sweating. You look at Nagisa "And why's that?" you question him "They keep us out every year to keep things nice and even. We get to play the exhibition game at the end so..." he explains. You sigh "It's not for consolation, is it?" you ask him. He shakes his head and you sigh once again "I'm not even good at baseball..." you say with annoyens. Nagisa giggles "You get to play basketball with the girls" he says. You look at him with a questionable look "We get to play against the boys baseball team and you get to play against the girls basketball team" he explains "So we're devided by gender?" you ask him "Yup" he answers and nods
"I can't belive you broke the girls leg Maria" Yada says sweatdropping. You smirk and put your hands behind your head "Yeah... it was... intense" Kataoka comments "How is Nagisa not scared of you?" Kayano asks you keeping her distance. You glare at her and she runs behind Bitch-sensei. You all reach the field were the boys are playing "I at least hope that they won" you comment while watching them play. Nagisa's the catcher and Sugino's the pitcher. As Sugino prepares to pitch, Isogai and Karma move in closer. The girls gasp and you smirk "What are they doing?" Kayano asks "They're distracting the batter by staying in front of him, making him scare and tens up by the fact that he thinks he's gonna hit them with his swing, but, little he knows, they're gonna dodge it at the last second, making a strike. It's gonna be more effective if Karma uses his trash talk to scare him" you reflect out loud. Everyone looks at you surprised. You look at all them, turning your head to both sides because you're in the middle of the group. You look down with a blush, thinking that what you said was just you thought "Wow. I'm gonna be shocked if you're right" Kataoka says with shock. You turn back to the game and the guys do exactly as you said, making them win. You all walk to the guys to congratulate them with the win "Maria" you hear Kataoka say. You look at her "Humh?" you say "You were right. How did you do that?" she asks you. You laugh nervously and rush to Nagisa "Hey Nagisa" you say to him he smiles at you and hugs you. You hug him back "Congratulations for the win baby" you say to him. He pulls away from you and smiles "What about you? Did you win the game?" he asks you "Nope, but I broke a girls leg" you say proudly with a smirk. He sweatdrops and sighs "But that's why I love you" he says with a smile. You look at him and smile back. He kisses you and you kiss back "Yeah Nagisa! Get her good!" you hear Karma say. You both pull away and blush.

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