Crash My Car Through Your Window

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I knocked on the door of my apartment. I don't know why I did that. I live there. Ronnie answered. "Yeah?"
"Can we talk?" I asked, biting my lip, feeling the cool metal of my lip ring.
"Well, you live here, I don't know why you knocked."
"Ronnie, can we talk?"
"What's there to talk about?" He asked, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. My mind went to the new song his band was working on, I'm Not A Vampire.
"This. Me dating Max. You making out with that chick."
"I didn't mean-"
"Why'd you do it?"
"I still don't know-"
"That's not a good answer." A tear slipped from my eye. "Fuck, that's a horrible answer!"
"I fucking trusted you! After Craig, I trusted you, because you were my best friend. You fucking know I have abandonment issues and you just cheat on me! I just... I knew you were a player, I just thought I could trust you, because you're Ronnie. But... But apparently my best friend Ronnie isn't the same as boyfriend Ronnie. Fuck, I can't just-"
He wrapped me in a hug. "Ash, I'm sorry. I was stupid, and irresponsible, and..."
"I made a mistake trusting you like that." I sobbed. "And now..."
"I'm so sorry, Ash, I didn't know." He kissed my hair. "I fucked up, I know."
"I still love you, I just... I can't. I can't love you like that, I can't trust you like that."
"I'm so sorry." He repeated again. "I shouldn'tve done that. I love you."
I looked up at him. "I love you. I'm sorry, Ronnie."
"Would you be my best friend, though? I don't... I don't wanna lose that."
"Yeah." I whispered, face still buried in his chest.
He tilted my chin up with his fingers. "I love you."
"I love you too."
His lips touched mine briefly, but it felt like an eternity. "Yeah."
"I should... Yeah. I should go."
"Yeah. Bye, Ronnie."
"Bye, Ash."


Ronnie and I slid into Max's car. "Backseat, Ash." Ronnie said, taking shotgun.
I groaned. "He's my boyfriend."
"He's my best friend."
"Ladies, ladies, there's enough Max to go around for everyone." Max laughed, starting to drive.
"There's enough Max for me, you mean." I leaned forward and rubbed his shoulder.
"Hmm." He made a noise. "Feels nice."
"Max, stop moaning when my best friend slash sister rubs your shoulder, it's weird." Ronnie muttered.
Max did a very fake, very exaggerated moan. "Oh, it feels so good."
I laughed. "Jesus."
Ronnie rolled his eyes. "Fucking hell."
We drove the rest of the way in silence while Ronnie was bitter. "Get out." Max said after he parked.
"Get out."
Ronnie sighed and got out of the car. Max grinned at me as I climbed into the front seat. "I love pissing off Ronnie." I laughed.
"Yeah, same." He kissed my hair. "What time is it?"
I checked the time. "We have twenty minutes before we gotta be in class."
"We can go to the corner of the math wing and make out?"
"Sounds fun."
"Or we could go to the music wing, make out, and annoy Ronnie?"
"Does everything here end with us making out?"
Max's hand caressed my cheek. "Yes."
"Let's go piss off Ronnie."
We got out of his car and walked to the music wing. On the way there, a guy looked at us. "Slut!" He yelled.
"Shut the fuck up, don't talk about my girlfriend like that!" Max yelled back, turning. The guy ran off. Max generally scared people when he was mad.
"It's okay." I whispered, hating the attention.
"No, it's not."
I dragged him to the music wing. Ronnie looked up at us from his corner. "Y'all are kidding me."
"Nope." Max responds, pulling me to the ground and pinning me against the wall.
"Seriously? I hate this. You guys are the fucking worst." Ronnie hid his face behind his notebook.
Max started kissing my neck. "Mm, Ash, I love you."
"Mm, I love you too, Max." I accidentally let out a moan as his hands slid down to my ass.
Ronnie glared at us. "Can you stop feeling up my best friend?"
He kissed my lips. "Nah."
Suddenly we were pulled apart. "Mr. Green, Miss Charles, you know the rules." The principal said.
"Yeah, and I fucking hate them." Max muttered.
"Mr. Green, office."
He snickered. "Okay. Bye, babe." He kissed my hair, grabbed his backpack, and walked off with the principal.
I giggled. "I love him."
"He's gonna have detention." Ronnie pointed out.
"I know."
"Gonna walk with me?"
"I'll wait for him." I readjusted my shirt. "Hm, how did that look?"
"I fucking hate both of you." Ronnie shook his head and stuck it back into the notebook.
I laughed. "Love ya, Ronnie."

Me: told him
Max: what'd he say
Me: he kept apologizing, we did one final kiss
Max: glad you got closure. still friends?
Me: yeah
Me: I love you bby
Max: I love youuuu you're my world

I looked at that text he sent and grinned. Fuck, I love him so much.

AN: y'all I got a 99 on my social studies final and a 86 on my English final I'm so happy. I still have five finals left ugh but oh well, hope they go as well as this one did :)
Also I'm so sorry I'm like playin with your emotions with this story haha

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