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15 Years Later

"Nathan, honey." I called out. "You're gonna be late to guitar lessons with Derek."
"Uh, yeah, I don't know if anyone told you, but tonight, guitar lessons with Derek is actually him backstage at a Falling In Reverse show." Max kissed my cheek.
"Really?" I groaned. "Damnit, Ronnie."
"What did Ronnie do this time?" Violet asked.
"Got your brother tickets to a show tonight."
"Lame." She pulled her purple hair into a braid. She did look like her name, with purple hair, pale skin, snakebites, and all black. In all fairness, she was Max, just in a female body.
"You doing anything fun?" I asked.
"No, Willow was gonna go to the show, but she's ditching. We're gonna go visit Grandpa's and Anthony's and Monte's graves." Monte had died when a drunk driver barreled into the band's car after a show. Everyone else had only walked away with scratches. Monte died on the scene.
"Oh. Okay."
"Catch them up. I'm sure Anthony wants to hear about how Ronnie crashed the motorcycle last week, and Monte definitely wants to know that Dad cut Craig's hair accidentally."
"Yeah. I still don't know how you accidentally cut someone's hair."
"It wasn't an accident." Max said. "His hair was getting long and he looked homeless."
"Jesus fucking Christ." I laughed.
"Language." Nathan yelled, sliding down the banister.
"So you're going to Ronnie's show tonight?" Violet asked him.
"After he heard you and Willow were ditching, he invited me. I'm his favorite."
"No, you're not. Willow is. And I was Jacky's favorite."
"You still are, and it's not fair."
She smiled. "All's fair in love and war, Natey."
"Stop calling me that!"
"Calling who what?" Willow walked in. She was gorgeous now, at sixteen. Naturally dark brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair was short and choppy, an updated version of the hair in 2011. She had a small tattoo on her wrist Chrissy didn't know about. Of course Ronnie did, he let her get it.
"Natey." Violet replied.
"This house is a fucking nightmare. I'm going. Bye." Nathan walked out of the house.
Yep. Me and Max were cool parents. Of course we were. We let our kids swear and stay out late, but we never let them use anything other then weed. Nathan had never used it, and Violet found out she was allergic, much to her dismay. Ronnie had buddies, of course. So did Max. It's why the kids are the way they are. Their parents are, well, infamous rockstars. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep them innocent for long, and I had accepted that when Violet was born. "Someone's in a mood." Willow muttered.
"Maybe he's on his period." Max suggested.
"Maxwell, love, don't you have to go over to the producer's?"
"Oh, shit, yeah. Bye, babe." He kissed my cheek and ran out the door.
"Mom. Actually, after we visit their graves, can we go out?"
I looked at the girls. "Where?"
"Kellin let Copeland have a party."
"Oh yeah. Of course, go to Kellin's."
"Thank you, Mom." Violet grinned.
"Thanks, Ash." Willow smiled. "I'll tell Dad to stop inviting Nathan to random concerts, too."
"That'd be helpful. I'll see you girls later."
They ran out the front door, and I smiled. This was my family. And I loved it.

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