Into Melodies Over Catchy Beats

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I entered the apartment, Violet in my arms. Jacky grinned at us. "Hi. She's pretty."
"Yeah, she is. What're you doing here?"
"Oh. Well, Ronnie called me and said that the nursery wasn't ready. So me and Ryan and Derek, we got everything together."
"Yeah, come and see."
We walked to the nursery, which was, in fact, finished. I teared up looking at it. "I'm... Wow. Thank you so much, I don't know what to say."
Derek smiled as he set a box of diapers next to the changing table. "You don't have to say anything, Ash."
"Violet," I turned the little girl to face the guys. "That's your Uncle Derek, and Uncle Ryan, and this one is Uncle Jacky."
Violet gurgled and reached her hand out for Jacky. He picked her up. "Hi, Violet."
"Thank you guys so much." I grinned at each of the guys individually. I started walking around the room. "Wow, it's so nice."
"Well, yeah, I did it." Ryan laughed.
"Cocky bastard."
"Shh, you can't swear around the baby." Derek pointed at the little girl in Jacky's arms.
"She doesn't have any concept of words." I replied.
Violet gurgled and reached her arms for me. "I think she wants you, Ash." Jacky pointed out.
I took her. "Hi, Violet."
"Okay, we're gonna go." Ryan said. "Text us if you need anything."
"Bye." He dragged the two other guys out of my apartment. I knew they wouldn't leave if they could.
"Hi, Violet." I kissed her. "Are you hungry? I would be. Well, Daddy is gonna be back soon, so you can eat then, okay? Here, let me change your diaper, first." I realized she had fallen asleep in my arms. "Hm, okay. Goodnight, little one."
"Give me her, take a break." Ronnie swept my daughter up into a hug. "Go on a date or something. I've got her."
"You know jack shit about parenting." I replied.
"Okay. Then I'll take her to Dad's. She can hang with her grandpa."
"We could." Max kissed my cheek. "I think the guys were gonna go to a club."
"Yeah, go hang out with your friends." Ronnie rested Violet on his hip. "Besides, Chrissy loves kids."
"Ah, right, you're seeing Chrissy tomorrow."
"Come on. You guys should go. I'll take her to Dad's, me and her will chill with Dad and Anthony. It'll be fun. You guys'll have fun."
"Should we?" I asked.
"Yes." Max replied. "You deserve a break."
"She's no trouble."
"Please, I wanna spend time with her." Ronnie said.
"Fine." I replied.
"Okay, I'm taking her to Dad's. Have fun!" He grabbed her diaper bag and carrier, set her in it, and rushed out the door.
Max laughed. "Okay, go get changed."
I quickly changed into a black lacy dress and slid on a pair of combat boots. I left my room and saw Max waiting in the kitchen wearing a plain black t shirt and black unripped jeans. "Babe, there's no rips?"
"Nah." He kissed me. "Dressing up today."
I giggled. "If you call that dressing up."
"Yes, I do."
"Hm, okay."
"Come on, the band is gonna come over. In like two minutes."
"You texted them?"
"What's up?" Monte yelled, walking in.
"You're enthusiastic." I groaned. "Even louder then Violet."
"She's a precious angel and honestly, I don't know where she gets the quietness from." He replied, quieter this time. "Where is she, by the way?"
"Oh my God. She's with Ronnie? Alone? You're fucking insane." Craig's eyes widened.
"No, no, God no. He took her to Dad's, Anthony is gonna be there too."
"Yeah, but he's driving her there?"
"He'll be fine." I waved Craig away. "He's done it before."
"Once." Max chimed in.
"Who's side are you on?"
"Yours." He kissed my cheek.
"Doesn't sound like it."
"I am!"
"Come on, let's go." Omar whined.
"Fine, okay."
We hailed a cab. Robert stayed home, so we were sort of able to fit in the cab. Craig sat in the front and the rest of us sat in the back, me on Max's lap. He rubbed my hip, slowly making his way down to my ass. "Stop feeling your girlfriend up." Monte muttered just loud enough for us to hear.
"I'll do what I want." Max replied, moving my hips so I was grinding against him.
"Wait for the club." Craig said.
I just giggled through this whole thing. "What're you laughing at?" Max growled in my ear, loud enough so only I could hear.
"Nothing." I mumbled as he slid his hand up my thigh.
"We're here." The cab driver said. Omar paid the fare and we got out.
We got into the club. Naturally, it was blasting punk music. "Bella!" Craig yelled, walking over to his girlfriend.
"Yuck." We all said together, and laughed.
"Ugh, I can never say this around him, but I hate that whore." Monte groaned.
"She's a bitch." Max chimed in, glancing at them. "Oh, she's got her legs wrapped around him. Gross."
"I'm gonna go grab drinks." Omar went to the bar.
"Babe, come dance with me?"
"Sure." I replied.
He took my hand out to the floor. Minor Threat by Minor Threat was playing. Max grabbed my hips and grinded against me. "I love you."
"I love you too." I replied, kissing the side of his neck.
"I know." He kissed my lips, aiming for the bottom one. "Come on, let's dance tonight away."

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