The Break-Up

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BITCH .... I hate you

I hate that every time I go out your controlling ass puts a leash on my ambition to be free

You suffocate all the confidence out my body until I'm limp with depression

 I want to curse your name until I'm hoarse with rage because I can't get over you

This damn relationship is disgustingly disgusting. You are the messiest hoe on the block 

Well known by men and women alike but you chose to marry me and I allowed it

You chose to attach yourself to my already brittle hip to finish breaking me off in a clean split 

As if adding my body to your collection that is already lined up and piled up that you lay to the wayside wasn't enough 


I am just another body added to your collection.

A litany of a list that is filled with a who's who of once strong people that your evil succubus ass couldn't WAIT to suck the joy out of

You're an evil, conniving, vindictive sociopath. 

I hate you

Yes, HATE you

I hate you

I hate you

I hate you

I HATE you

I said I wouldn't name you because you don't deserve that respect of me and all those you've hurt but ANXIETY.... I HATE YOU

One day you'll see how it feels to be thrown to the wayside like you've done many others 

Anxiety. You are disliked and I am done with you 

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