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Superman, never Clark Kent

In the belly of the beast, he never bats an eye

In stature, he stands under 6 feet yet once you add in his heart and confidence he's 8 feet tall

A Skywalker with the knowledge and wisdom he possess, he could never fall from this hierarchy of wise words of wholesome men especially to me 

The pedestal space he claims in my heart, the honor he posses in my soul is unrivaled 

Unmatched by no man

Influenced by none better

Sacrificed his personal life to settle down early with a kid and wife

The reason I won't settle myself and always trying to strive for success

This is for my father 

I love you 

Thank you

You are valued 

Every decision you've made has been worth it 

The successes you've seen you've earned 

The future success you will garner you deserve it

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